That was really stupid of Zhi. I mean for the second favor it could really backfire, for example to marry someone... Depending how the enemies play this it will hurt...
Is it simple ignoring him if she gives his seat to Wiliam? In my opinion this just adds fuel to it. I think there are currently to many hurdles to there relationship (him not acknowledging his feelings, maybe some master/butler rules and also Xinyangs tendency to violence). Maybe a hard break at this point would be good. I think some timeout could help.
Mmh, I mean I can understand that he was wrong with his words, but I think now adding more drama to it won’t help.
nice chapter, thx
that would be to easy
Great first chapter
Just my thoughts 😆
Told you, even though I wish I was wrong 😭
And interrupted by Guan guy in 3 2 1 -.-
Really, she forgot? I hope there is another reason for it then their alone time. Otherwise they have to fall hard to realize it is not childs play.
To Love You Again
Urban · Avalondra