
LV 3
2019-10-24 Se unió Global
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3 years ago
Replied to r0cket

I like to write the novel, too. Won't drop it 👍

3 years ago
Replied to yoonigga

I will try my best. :) juggling work, family, free time and writing time became really hard lately. I try to get back to 2 chapters a week, but lately even one gets hard as I find only time on Sundays to write and even that is rare 😭😭

3 years ago
Replied to Wash_Tub

I never said that race mixing means progress, I just said that mixing has its benefits and evolutionary wise it does. The further away your gene pool is from your partner the more likely the child will be born healthy. That's just facts. I am just saying that race mixing is important evolution wise. Nowadays it does not matter. Mixing short term based doesn't do anything. You could maybe argue that so many afroAmericans are dominating in sports and that could be because of mixing, but that, too needs to be studied and even if that was true, it still took 100 of years of selected breeding and mixing. In short term it's not much. I am just saying that for our evolutionary path of the homo sapiens mixing was crucial. Just look at Krokodils, sharks and other animals that lived unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. Change and mixing made us what we are today. That was my point from the beginning. I only said that mixing was crucial evolutionary wise. And competition is always good that I totally agree and is a good side affect of mixing and tribal behavior. It doesn't matter of it is in the wild, human or economical wise. It is brutal and hard, which is a shame, but we would have never accomplished what we have today in such a fast way. 😊

" I am sorry my baby. You know, that was one of the reasons I was nervous about coming back home. It may be that you are being treated with disgust. Many Elves aren't open for mixing races.", Lunara said, her mood a bit down. Right now she was ashamed of her own race.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to Wash_Tub

No I don't ignore that. I am completely aware of it. In the last comment I wrote that most packs won't accept others, too. That is ingroup preferences just like you said. I said that we agree on most thinks. I am from Northern Europe and do understand tribal behavior all to good. You can take a German, Frenchman, dane and Swiss. Visually they have many similarities, but cultural, beliefs, language and other aspects seperates us and makes us more tribal. Most of us prefer to stay Ingroup. That's why ingroup preferences are nothing more than tribal behavior. What you know is good, what is similar is good, what you know can't hurt. That's the logic behind it. That's what happens all the time. What you just told is perfectly going into the cultural aspects, the ideology, the belief and so on that humans have. And that was my point. You wrote in your first comment that their is an instinct against mixing and I said that is more a belive or ideology not an instinct. We have an instinct to mate and give our genes further. That includes the ingroup and outer groups. Most give it in their tribe, race and so on, but some give it to outer groups. That's just how we are. Everything you said is cultural, or was teached, learned, from experience, believed or ideological. Nothing of that was instinctual. One instinct we have is mating, and the rest is thinking and believing that you described. Most men will react to a passing woman with a glance on her ass😂😂, it does not matter if she is African, Asian, European or American, after that instinctual moment your brain comes next. And the teaching, believes and so on someone had will kick in. Being a newborn child it knows to suck on a nipple, that is instinct, reaching mating age and getting aroused is instinct, shaking your hips till you cum is instinct. Every creature can do it without needing to be teached. everything else needs to be teached and is influenced by experience, believe and so on. That was the only think I see differently than you. 😊

" I am sorry my baby. You know, that was one of the reasons I was nervous about coming back home. It may be that you are being treated with disgust. Many Elves aren't open for mixing races.", Lunara said, her mood a bit down. Right now she was ashamed of her own race.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to Wash_Tub

I completely understand that they fight. What I try to say is just that breeding with different races is how we came so far. You said evolutionary then you must believe in biology and evolution and how species and in a much smaller scale the races come into existence. Animals and all have done inbreeding a millions of time, but new races come around through many factors and most are from gene defects, environmental aspects and so on. So what happens if you have a group of apes, lions or other animals that have packs, who suddenly have and albino in their group. There are three possibilities. On one hand they kill it on the other hand they throw it out of the pack or accept it. That's the only possibilities. Some become hairless, some change color and so on but that are the first steps to becoming a new race. If nobody would mate with those "different beings" how did so many different species over the million years on this earth wander this planet? I know that many were killed by there pack for looking different, but some get accepted. Just look at some packs in Africa. Some packs accept albino lions and giraffes. That's what I mean with mixing, animals always mixed to get a new race. I mean look at our cattles and housepets, we humans interfered in their evolution to make new and more races faster, just that in the wild it takes much more time. That's how it works. One being changes a bit from the others and mates with "normal ones". You hope to get children with the same characteristics. They mate with other ones or inbreed and slowly a new races comes. The other races doesn't dissappear it just appears a new one if that wasnt true we wouldn't have so many different races and species nowadays. What happens afterwards I do know. They start to make their own packs and fights each other that's how it always has been and I agree with most what you say. Just that one thing with race being an instinct I do not believe. All Beings just want to mate and most of the time it is in their pack, group and so on, but if something changes they still wanna do it with the "weird one" not always but some😂😂 and that's how races survive and how new come into life. That's what I Mean with I don't believe in survival of the race as instinct we have the instinct to give our genes to the next generation and that includes within our race and trying others😂😂 anyway a bit long this explanation 😊 Didn't think that it would become so interesting to discuss this kind of topic 😂😂

" I am sorry my baby. You know, that was one of the reasons I was nervous about coming back home. It may be that you are being treated with disgust. Many Elves aren't open for mixing races.", Lunara said, her mood a bit down. Right now she was ashamed of her own race.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to Wash_Tub

If you put them in a cage they will mate with every cat that's inside their. If they are in they wild they will mate with everyone, too. Since tigers and lions won't meet in the wild they are a bad example. Let's take the polar bears and grizzly bears. The ice is melting and now more and more wander south, deeper into Alaska. More hybrids are seen and DNA test are made, which shows that there are already some hybrids in the wild. That's just how it is. The instinct for reproducing, doesn't see race. That's how it is with many animals. Wolf and dogs or wolf and coyotes are other examples that meet in the wild and mated. Every living thing has only one job and that is to give its genes to the next generation. That's how most living beings are made. Stick your dick into every hole out there. That's why I believe that as long as a male smells or sees a female he likes he will jump it 😂😂 that's the only reason we as a race came so far😂😂

" I am sorry my baby. You know, that was one of the reasons I was nervous about coming back home. It may be that you are being treated with disgust. Many Elves aren't open for mixing races.", Lunara said, her mood a bit down. Right now she was ashamed of her own race.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to Wash_Tub

I don't think instinct is the right word :) put a lion and a tiger together and they will mate. They have an instinct to give their genes to the next generation not to save their race. The strongest genes should live on, while in this example with the elves it is more a matter of believe. A animal will mate with everything, while a thinking being has believes in what is right and wrong. For some mixing is okay for others not. And here I wanted to show the clash of the two sides, with Roschar and his mother on the mixing side against the believes of the older generation on the other side, which scared Lunara. Roschar, who listens more to his instincts and is often driven by them, mating with every race he wants against pure blooded old Elves, who believe and think more than acting instinctively. :)

" I am sorry my baby. You know, that was one of the reasons I was nervous about coming back home. It may be that you are being treated with disgust. Many Elves aren't open for mixing races.", Lunara said, her mood a bit down. Right now she was ashamed of her own race.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to NaTaS_2951

Ogars are huge green, black or brown skinned humanoids with hollow white eyes. They have horns on their heads and pretty ugly faces. They are jacked and the biggest humanoids in the forest. Most are over 3 meters tall.

"But look around you. Who of you looks useless? Everyone of you build this territory up, saving those Elves that we call our friends now and even won a war, which a Goblin tribe hasn't done before. Everyone of you is stronger, better and much more intelligent than a normal Goblin. I saw feral Goblins once when I clashed with a demon. They were small and looked uglier and much more beastly. Nothing like us. That is why I think even you "pure-blooded" are already somehow mixed. If we don't see traits of another race, we assume that he is a pure blooded Goblin. But it just means that you have more Goblins traits not that you are pure blooded. My great-grandfather started the mixing of our race and we all are somehow related. Some are Elf mixes, some are human, dwarf, Ogar, Orc, beast-tribes, lizardmen or some other tribe I have never heard before, but what will connect all those race into one will be us, the Goblins. We share those bloodlines with all of them making them our brothers and sisters. If someone needs our help, we will give it to them, if someone wants to live hear we will let them. Do you want to know why? ", Rosch further spoke to the crowd. The Goblins, who first became depressed suddenly looked up again and were anticipating what their leader wants from them.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to The_Lord_Bread

Most of them are part Goblin, but further thnigs will be all explained later. Lets just say that some dont look much like Goblins and that can lead to problems with others, who are pure blooded Goblins or look much more like a Goblin.

A hugh smile was on Suz. She started to rub her cheeks on his again." I will call you Rosch from now on. Come I will make you something to eat. I got some meat from the Saberlion. I couldn't carry the entire carcass, but got a leg for our meal and the head as proof for the hunting competition.", She said while cuddling. She reluctantly let go and went to prepare the food for the two of them.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

3 years ago
Replied to The_Lord_Bread

Nightwalker are the apex predators of the forest and most animals hide from them out of instinct, but that will all be learned later. Dont want to spoiler anything.

Roschar held his hands up to protect himself, when the Saberlion bit down on his left arm, trashing Roschar around, smashing him left and right. While you could hear snaps and breaking bones, the arm of Roschar didn't rip off. The Saberlion was shocked again and realized something. That little creature had to be a Nightwalker for having such a strong body. Fear manifested inside the heart of the Saberlion and Roschar felt that opening. He instantly put his legs around the neck of the Saberlion, punching at the other eye of the Saberlion.

Fear the Night

Fear the Night

Fantasy · Ro_King

  • Fear the Night original

    Fear the Night

    Fantasy R18 HAREM NONHUMAN

    In a dark world, on a mountain lives a crossbreed that tries to survive. Even though he is part goblin, he just doesn't look like one and that makes his life harder then needed. His tribe is hard enough on him but in the outside world it will be only harder. And that he will learn the hard way.

    127 Chs 358 Colecciones