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2019-10-16 Se unió Croatia

Insignias 37

Moments 412


so will you continue to post here or stop posting here

For those who weren't aware, the previous chapter was the most recent. If you'd like to see more, feel free to join our Discord or become a Patron to have more say in which stories I release. I'm currently developing the pilot concept I posted 3-4 years ago at the behest of my Patrons, called The Path. If you want, all of the current chapters are available to read on my Patreon in a collection of the same name. There's no paywall to access them. At least not at the moment.

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Beta Testing the Apocalypse

Anime & Comics · Einlion


I know [img=recommend]

"No one wants to fuck me. Not poor old Quinn. All these people playing victim don't know what it's like to have no friends."

Pessimist Reincarnated as a Worm

Pessimist Reincarnated as a Worm

Fantasy · Black_Flare


fairy tail

"Any recommendations for Hachiman's first manga, guys? I will make my decision in 24 hours, with the most likely comment."

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

Anime & Comics · Leonzky


uh normaly I consider myself as someone who woldnt be bothered with most of cringe situation but this is over the line to much is to much

"I am here to conquer the Justice League and become their leader." I lied. "Watch me as I unleash my legendary mystical magic and defeat all of you."

Spiderman Prime

Spiderman Prime

Anime & Comics · SorcererPrime


is it posible to go without romance since this is afterall as you said harem anime and belive it or not no matter which girl you chouse it will came back and bite you because there are several good waifus even if you make oc it may be even worse then so why not forger romance complitly and if you nead emotiunal bond you can make it like siblings bond like older brother loaking and protecting his younger siblings so what do you say no romance for the win??? after all if there is no winners there is no lossers

Este libro ha sido eliminado.

harem is not bad as long as you cnow how to write them if its author who just wants readers and money then you get cach them all type which honestly is stupid then thre are People who just want to keap going like taking entire village(all female village) in harem then there are People who simply dont have patience to write and treat harem like add on to ff then again there are People who use premise of harem then end up pairing mc with only one girl or make MC sufer from harem members(potential) making it comedi there are those who just brute force it and those who make mc suffer from tragic past or some mental illnes that makes him loak pitiful and then there are authors who make mc desne as a brick of course they will leave bad impresion on harem tag because to make a good harem stori you nead right story setings good, character grouth, oportunities, patience, while not making harem main point but at the same time not add on to story but to integrate it in story smothly most people decide to concentrate on one girl until she is captured then focus on another while not making it official then introduce jeaolusy and atention competition to space things up and potencijaly ruening the rest of the story some authors even make mc ignore some girl just to make drama later so jea its hard to find someone who can make good story let alone one with a harem mix in it


maybe if it did not take 2 hours and instead you gained them in 1 moment leats see if you would hawe a headeck

"This is quite different from what I read in fanfiction. Memories don't flood back all at once, causing unbearable headaches," Naruto reflected.

Naruto : Pure Blood

Naruto : Pure Blood

Anime & Comics · Devils_hand

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