Webnovel Author: Hellblazer_Crusher - Fanfic Collection



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2019-10-12 Se unió Global

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so tyrion opened a bottle? the paragraph is Tyrion opening a bottle

As Jaime's question hung in the air, Tyrion's sharp ears caught its every word, but rather than responding immediately, he indulged in a deliberate pause. In that fleeting moment, his nimble fingers stealthily delved into the depths of his pocket, retrieving a petite bottle of wine. Upon closer inspection, the bottle revealed itself as a testament to the grandeur of House Lannister, with its opulent sigil emblazoned proudly at its core. The cork, meticulously crafted from boiled and polished wood, beckoned to Tyrion's mischievous nature. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he parted his lips, allowing his teeth to grasp the cork's edge nimbly. With a deft display of strength, Tyrion adeptly removed the cork from the confines of the diminutive vessel. Without hesitation, he expelled the cork from his mouth in a swift expulsion of air. Finally, triumphantly, Tyrion raised the bottle to his lips, savoring the velvety nectar that flowed forth. The ruby-hued liquid cascaded into his eager mouth, its sweetness akin to the nectar of honey. Savoring the exquisite taste, Tyrion couldn't resist pressing his lips together, relishing the lingering essence of the wine that now danced upon his palate.

A Dragon Kissed by Sun

A Dragon Kissed by Sun

Book&Literature · Drinnor

Replied to Shadowlord96


"Yup," Peter confirmed. "It was actually quite an endeavor. First, I synthesized the qubits using advanced nanofabrication techniques, creating superconducting loops to exploit quantum coherence. I optimized their placement to facilitate entanglement and superposition, leveraging principles from quantum information theory. Then, I implemented sophisticated error correction codes like the surface code, which involved encoding qubits to protect against quantum decoherence and noise. This step ensured the reliability and stability of our quantum operations. Next, I engineered a cryogenic environment using dilution refrigerators to cool the quantum processor to near absolute zero temperatures. This minimized thermal disturbances and maintained the delicate quantum states necessary for computation. To integrate the quantum processor with Aria's AI, I developed a quantum-classical interface. This involved designing quantum gates and classical control circuits to enable seamless communication between the quantum and classical domains. Aria's neural network was adapted to process quantum states, enhancing her analytical capabilities and decision-making speed. Finally, rigorous testing and calibration were performed using techniques such as quantum tomography and randomized benchmarking. These ensured the accuracy and fidelity of our quantum computations, validating the system's performance before deployment." 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



Peter stretched, looking smug. "Just get good."

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3


the cheetah thing does not make sense since it is 5he shape of the legs that that give them the speed

"I believe you received two gifts from each animal DNA I used. From the gorilla, you received tough skin and super strength—the tough skin needs to be tested to see if it's bulletproof, I had to use some of my strength when drawing out your blood. From the lizard, you received a regenerative factor and the ability to climb walls. From the cheetah, you received super speed. You might have received super-fast reflexes or a sense like ours; that needs to be seen," Gwen said with a nod.

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



Peter scoffed, "Yeah, nice try, missy. Let's just say when it comes to ice cream, I almost always choose chocolate."

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

Replied to CrimsonDemonGod

Naberel Gamma... man, she was fire!

Peter then jumped as someone tried to attack him from behind using the gauntlets and fired the lightning ball towards the guys wielding a flamethrower. "I call this move Chain Lightning."

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



"Quick! Quicken!" shouted Gandalf, urging his horse to gallop faster. Though tired, the horses gave their all, knowing that, if they did not run, they would be slain by these ferocious beasts.

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry



"For I have heard you once again, my chosen one. And by my will it shall be done."

Avatar : Tanya

Avatar : Tanya

Book&Literature · Rimanovi



At least whoever made this armour for her had accepted her request to include a black and red peaked cap rather than the traditional metal helmet. Tanya had been awfully fond of this style of cap in her second life, and thought that the golden flame insignia printed on the front matched her hair rather nicely.

Avatar : Tanya

Avatar : Tanya

Book&Literature · Rimanovi


I would prefer boobies but to each their own I guess

The soft sound of the birds singing in the morning gave a touch of tranquility to the warm morning, Aldril opened his eyes slowly, still lying on the log where he slept, his thoughts wandered to that dream he had "That was a beautiful dream, who wouldn't be happy if he dreamed that Geralt? Only a heretic wouldn't be happy." 

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry



ch 0 4 Word count, read it if you want to see what the original Chinese novel is like.

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry

Replied to UthredofBebbanburg


"I am Travis", a black youth introduced himself.

Modern Family: I want Freedom

Modern Family: I want Freedom

Movies · burakku

Replied to humza_abdullah


I was reborn in a rich family. Well not really. A filthy rich family. Like really rich. Rich Rich Rich. So much money you can't spend rich. 

Modern Family: I want Freedom

Modern Family: I want Freedom

Movies · burakku

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