God I hate that bozo nfirea
I turned to the two more masculine angels and told them to go to E-Rantel and find Nfirea Bareare and protect him to the best of their abilities as well.
Anime & Comics · MarAuthor
Nfirea is like. The single worst character to ever exist. He is so awful and Enri is actually kinda a girlboss Chad. Here’s hoping they don’t end up together, that guy can stay in the friend zone forever.
If they arrived too late, then, obviously, the villagers would all be dead. No benefits there, unless they wanted to use them for experimentation, but I didn't want that to happen to Enri, no, she deserved to be happy with Nfirea.
Anime & Comics · MarAuthor
Fith is cute
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Anime & Comics · MarAuthor
This was a year ago. But reading your first chapter it starts with the MC being shocked he was “in the body of a child”. Meaning he’s an adult. Try to keep up with your own writing.
I then walked towards Ron and punched him in the guts and said "You should not have said that very hurtful" Ron rolled on the floor like a wet mop.
Movies · confused4you
Mf thinks she’s suddenly in that Sherlock Holmes scene. Yikes
"Oh, this? Nothing much, I broke your arm when you attacked me. You, sir, aren't a knight, aren't some warrior, aren't a mercenary or even a trained squire, you're just a noble that flaunts his money and tries to get a young girl to be his 'mistress'. Did you really think that you could actually hurt somebody, yourself? Without paying somebody to do that job for you? All I had to do is be ready for it and sidestep it, therefore allowing me to grab your arm and knocking you down to the ground because of the loss of your sense of balance"
Movies · Crimson_Lust
''By the way, quick question, in hindsight I probably should've asked this instantly, but pronouns do you use?''
Movies · Crimson_Lust
Yeah I looked at that earlier and it’s surprisingly well written. But just not for me. I’m fine with female MC’s if it’s yuri, but a male love interest just kills it for me.
I will make you mine, Heine.
Anime & Comics · ManSlayer1009
Cute. Though god I hope there’s no romance subplot with him lol. Tsundere older brother seems much better. Lefiya would be kinda cute……
Her dark brows furrowed, as a hand landed on her shoulder, yet they relaxed as she turned to find a large familiar boaz staring down at her, his deep voice causing the fluff in her ears to tremble, "Here, take this."
Anime & Comics · White_Dog
Zero two is great
What do you think are the two entities? What's their connection to Ryo and why was he in the past?
Anime & Comics · SR_2027
"No, I think I'll be to busy farting your cum to fuck again, I just really want to see you drunk." Erica laughed as her friends looked at her with confused faces.
Finding a Yandere in Reverse World
Urban · Astrolust