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19 days ago
Replied to TrueFamine

1 major task (guiding an entire world) for each life, guiding a world is a massive effort. This will continue forever since he’s immortal. Unless he’s given an out where he can finally rest and be with his family in the after life, this is definitely servitude….

"In the form of a mortal, destined to die but kept alive by your presence. Your task will be to guide the world in each life, to complete the tasks I set before you. But you will still have your free will, Harry. You can live as you please, as long as the task is fulfilled."

Edwyn Stark the Wolf King

Edwyn Stark the Wolf King

Book&Literature · Skulduggery82

19 days ago

Sounds like servitude with some extra benefits.

"In the form of a mortal, destined to die but kept alive by your presence. Your task will be to guide the world in each life, to complete the tasks I set before you. But you will still have your free will, Harry. You can live as you please, as long as the task is fulfilled."

Edwyn Stark the Wolf King

Edwyn Stark the Wolf King

Book&Literature · Skulduggery82

1 months ago
Replied to cosmicRider

A father who’s son is the Wolf King apparently.

The game is over. The Wolf King has arrived.

Leman Stark

Leman Stark

Book&Literature · Daoist0kxr4h

2 months ago
Replied to Isolated_Smaug

I believe Martina said she tried too

Of course, Rita also took this as a question asked to her. "It's been three days. Finally.." Her face was ecstatic. "Honestly, I've been waiting for this day for so many years…." She said happily.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Anime & Comics · Snollygoster

2 months ago

I’m interested in the story, but I’m confused if I should reading reading both versions to get the complete arc 1 knowledge… You mentioned that you will be combining the chapters, when would you be doing that? It seems like it’ll be easier to read when they’re combined.

2 months ago

Doesn’t he have multiple women who are pregnant with his kids? Haven’t seen or heard from Natasha is a long time…

2 months ago
Replied to Hasan_Shopnil

A shame you think origin stories are “BS”, that’s like taking away Uncle Ben for Spider-Man or Batman’s parents being shot in an alley. This is supposed to give us an understanding of his character moving forward with the Naruto world…

4 months ago
Replied to UnknownKneeMoose

As far as I remember he still holds affection for Charles and is waiting to see what his character is like before any action is taken.

Harry responded calmly, "You're a brave boy. You'll fit right in at Gryffindor with that kind of foolish bravery. But I don't have time for games right now. Goodbye, Potters. I've made my feelings clear. Please leave me alone from now on. Either show me proof, or don't contact me again."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

4 months ago

+1 I’m more of a binge reader so I take breaks and come back.

How many of you are still reading this fanfiction? Type, +1. Can I get 100 comments? Who knows?

Batman x Arc Reactor

Batman x Arc Reactor

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc

4 months ago

You should have him create and use the umbrella weapon from Kings Avatar.

[Talent: Creator: You are good at making and creating, easily inspired at other creations to make something your own.]

Naruto: Different Perks

Naruto: Different Perks

Anime & Comics · Kaoski