Webnovel Author: Berserk_Asura - Fanfic Collection



male LV 12

I pray to no one! Nor will I be prayed to! 

2019-09-28 Se unió India

Insignias 7

Moments 1911

Replied to MF_DOOM

yeah, that's true. I tried to keep that to the minimum. But I guess, i still over did it.

2. Calm Mind: Able to make calm and calculative decisions in almost any circumstance.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Abaddon_Steele

nah nah, you're right. I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice.

Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Whadyamean

Yes, if you want to be a teacher, you have to go through them.

Before being transmigrated here, he had been just 23 years old, his sister, 21. He knew that his disappearance from his old world would have left his family missing him terribly. But, oddly, his heart didn't miss them as much.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Abaddon_Steele

cause it kinda is, it's AI edited not generated. And it feels that way because of those, "this but that" style writing. Don't worry tho, if you feel any paragraphs are weird or unnecessary, I can edit them again myself.

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In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to kurosive

Still hasn't evolved into the first illusion evolution. No related materials yet found

However, he found that his skills were far less effective in sunlight, where shadows and darkness were scarce. This limitation frustrated him, and he spent considerable time in the garden practicing, hoping to find a way to use his powers even in the bright light of day.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Rapidturnip21

Maybe, idk really. No worries tho, you can criticize, it helps me improve.

Soon, he came across another room, noticeably different from the previous one. This chamber seemed to be where goblins skinned their prey and stored food. The pungent smell of raw meat and blood hung heavily in the air, mixing with the earthy scent of the cave. Stacks of meat lay strewn on a stone table, while removed skins were piled on the other side, likely to be repurposed into makeshift clothes and armor.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Rapidturnip21

and the quote is completed by, "Still better than Master of one."

'Balancing is crucial,' he mused, feeling the familiar surge of power course through his skeletal frame. 'If I focus too much on one stat, I'll end up with a glaring weakness.'

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Userpc

Shadow is just in Naming, his skill is more related to darkness. But it's not really made clear for my own good, so that I can make up things as we go

A/N: Forget about my prior comment where I said, sunlight doesn't weaken him. It does, because of the absence of shadows that make him strong. Yes he can use his other skills but his shadow skills become weaker.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

Replied to Abaddon_Steele

only shadow ones

However, he found that his skills were far less effective in sunlight, where shadows and darkness were scarce. This limitation frustrated him, and he spent considerable time in the garden practicing, hoping to find a way to use his powers even in the bright light of day.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Movies · Berserk_Asura

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