Do you even need it tho? just go some farm and stay there 1 year,like 1 month 100 dolars of gacha chance after 1 year I think you can be single universe or multi-universe character if you are lucky.
I've missed so many opportunities. I couldn't get an Ivan Vanko arc reactor, Hulk blood or Abomination, a radioactive spider, kill Victor Von Doom. You know, these things...
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
wtf man,do I need to look at even this means.
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Anime & Comics · FLEWKEY
I thought you were trying to soften him so he can accept dxd world family(grayfia and others)
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Anime & Comics · FLEWKEY
I mean if he accept his dxd world family.
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Anime & Comics · FLEWKEY
"I am going to pull you into our bed activities. Devil sisters play~~~ how many humans could brag that they have fucked two devil sisters from the same pillars?"
Anime & Comics · Dragon15681
I think I see what author doing here,in another world he learned about human nature and in dxd he have parent so he can accept them. if this happens it's really big no to me.
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Anime & Comics · FLEWKEY
if it's no good then don't talk about harem. I rather see good romance.
"I see." Slader nodded and vanished again, if he didn't want it then Slader wasn't going to say anything about it. Galahad yawned, he was going to wait here. They were currently in Ordan, if his sister was with the Seven Deadly Sins then he should be able to retrieve her.
Anime & Comics · Pure_R18_Terror
I was trying to say can cause me tho.
"I see." Slader nodded and vanished again, if he didn't want it then Slader wasn't going to say anything about it. Galahad yawned, he was going to wait here. They were currently in Ordan, if his sister was with the Seven Deadly Sins then he should be able to retrieve her.
Anime & Comics · Pure_R18_Terror
bro,this yawned and yawned and yawned thing cause me to drop this really.
"I see." Slader nodded and vanished again, if he didn't want it then Slader wasn't going to say anything about it. Galahad yawned, he was going to wait here. They were currently in Ordan, if his sister was with the Seven Deadly Sins then he should be able to retrieve her.
Anime & Comics · Pure_R18_Terror
and suddenly universe destroyed,many strong man jump at him at same time take his memories and cheats END...
"I am your son. I am your son for two lives. It's weird, I was transmigrated. I have repeated memories, new ones. I feel that the me of my past life has a little more precedence when compared to the me of this life. Maybe it's because he's further along in time, or because this world is fictional for my other one."
Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer