Hey, I notice there’s a webnovel called Harry Potter: the secrets of hogwarts, and I think it’s copying your work
He then goes into the kitchen and jumps back onto the chair he previously jump on to get his dinner, he opens the fridge and a mischievous look forms in his eyes, "Wonk, Wonk, Wonk, Wonk. (Leave me home to hang out with your Girlfriend? Well I'll eat all the fish haha!)" he proceeds to eat every fish remaining in the fridge.-
Anime & Comics · Lox_Of_Sins
Novel synopsis is a trap, I need a neuralyzer
Great story so far, hope you don’t drop it
"For normal people it might be impossible, but for me, it's a piece of dango." Oden Spoke as he stood up.
Anime & Comics · Passerby_Venne
Great advice
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Hey, I notice there’s a webnovel called Harry Potter: the secrets of hogwarts, and I think it’s copying your work
Hogwarts: I'm Truly a Model Wizard
Book&Literature · BlurryDream