and could rock lee not be a good sparring partner for the girls to improve inos hand to hand fighting even the main characters fighting as well and can't you do the same for tenten? like really you screwed up the time line you're fucked in the war you need strong people to fight might as well train them you're self and in the future if danzo tries any thing you just trained the strongest people in the village and future leaders of the village he would be stupid to do anything to the mc.
Ch50. A little test
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
I have a question why are you not training rock lee he's not a clan kid he's a civilian and he's not good at anything other than hand to hand fighting you're seals would make him stronger than in the story and would even most likely get you a favor from might guy and even make him stronger would that not help you in the end fight?
Ch50. A little test
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
Legends from people that left the village and met air nomads.
"Hey, Fei. I brought you some berries since I remember Air Nomads don't eat meat." Fei looked at Kanuk in surprise before a smile broke onto her face. She jumped up as an air ball was created under her.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
… only to quietly suck in a sharp breath, a cold sweat breaking on his forehead as he thought to himself;
Urban · Caeruleum_
"Frying pans! Trusty ol' little thing, amirite?!"
Urban · Caeruleum_
nice save
"Listen. I need a weapon to protect you. You are mine. I can't let anything or anyone hurt you." Kanuk said as he looked into Katara's eyes.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
To see if his body had fully recovered, Augustus undressed. Spinning around in front of the mirror, he looked at his soft white skin and his long, long, white hair.
Anime & Comics · SpaceMate
While the mercenary was on joint watch with the military, he listened to rude and straightforward come-ons from the Saldophone women standing nearby. They were trying to get his attention and simply to get laid, which they had said more than once. Augustus stoically tolerated the bounces of attractive girls. You could say that he overpowered, like a Chinese cultivator overpowering, rubbing his dantian alone on a high mountain.
Anime & Comics · SpaceMate
Ch44. Tsunade level of luck
Anime & Comics · KasiCair
Wiz Lord: Kyle walking into the building like he's Mary Poppins y'all!
Rise To Stardom
Urban · Caeruleum_