'Fine.' Menadion sighed. 'You were right and I was wrong. I'm changing my mind about Lith. Yet I hope I'll never come to love him like you do, dear. For both our sakes.'
Fantasy · Legion20
the dao ofthe dao of confusion would be the best it completes and expands the concept of illusion and reality more and more maintaining the experience between the two so take it as a specialistP.S and an upo I don't let you know but I was late
rip uncle jef Press f for respect
bloodline no lie
a clash between illusionists I think it's the only one with a real fair clash, the clashes with Loki weren't so sporty in the sense that Loki was almost to the end your golden finger Teo, loki was your mentor and that's it. not a pear of the same profession
to comfort you Teo I'll explain the chapters are daily and there may be comments written late and I note that this skill is not retroactive it seems that you can only read comments from the previous chapter written in a certain period of time
good nice clifhangher
hahaha, no
'Fine.' Menadion sighed. 'You were right and I was wrong. I'm changing my mind about Lith. Yet I hope I'll never come to love him like you do, dear. For both our sakes.'
Supreme Magus
Fantasy · Legion20