N_Stephanie_Santos - Profile



LV 13

Obsessed reader 😜🤪

2019-08-28 Se unió Global

Insignias 12

Moments 665


I don’ t think that would ever happen, she is his heaven. Both villains 😂

Hopefully, he's able to ruin Serena to the point that when Geoffrey comes back from his mission all he would feel for her is disgust. That is, of course, assuming that he was also innocent regarding his father's demise.

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn




Now, regarding his affair with Serena, the woman he did everything for that it had to reach that point, he knew that the real victim was not himself but Geoffrey. Well, to be more precise, they were both victims only that he now knew that he was, while Geoffrey was still living in a pseudo-paradise not knowing the truth.

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


You gave him the green hat so … you know😅

Fortunately, in the end, he was able to come to terms with himself. No, he was not afraid of Geoffrey, never was, never will. The main reason why he still needed to investigate was because he still trusted Geoffrey's character. That Geoffrey's motivation for presenting that document was only to weaken his family's power because he has begun doubting their political stance when he (Charlton) rejected his offer.

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


Geoffrey also felt like you at some point, he didn ’t want to hurt your father, only separate you and Serena.

Although Geoffrey did not seem to have enough motivations to cause his father's death, his involvement in his imprisonment made him one of the most probable suspects. So, when Charlton still could not take it upon himself to simply take his vengeance, he could not help but second guess himself. Was the real reason why he still needed to investigate was due to the possibility that he was unconsciously avoiding a conflict with Geoffrey because he has no confidence to win against him?

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


Hmmm, he was the second opinion as you didn’t want to run away, but I do hope he will be her last.

Charlton did not think much about the implications of Hugo's words because he thought along the same lines as Christopher. However, hearing such words said about Geoffrey still stroked a chord. Although he already loathed Serena, it didn't take away the feeling of insecurity when she chose Geoffrey over him. Thousands of times while he was in exile, he would ask himself, did Serena choose Geoffrey because he was the better man?

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


I like him 😂

Hugo snorted, then he guffawed. "What the hell? And I thought it was something vile. Really? Lord Leonard Maxwell as your predicament? My sister would be willing to die just for the opportunity. But man… are you for real? If lord Leonard, a marquis, the heir of one of the richest dukedom, the vice minister of finance, and the brother of our future, wait, the next certain queen of Windsor, is not even qualified as your sister's potential spouse, then who or what the heck is? I mean, I can't even imagine how high the bars of your expectations are. Lord Leonard, really? Perhaps if he looked ugly, or if he has some disability, or perhaps a number of mistresses I don't know of, then maybe I can understand your or maybe your sister's discontent, but no!!! He is single, able, has no track record of broken hearts behind him, and to top it off, even to me, and I'm a man, I can say with conviction just how attractive he is. I get that your sister is undeniably pretty and is one of the most eligible bachelorettes of her age, but I'm sorry to say, she's not all that. Hey, does she or maybe even you and your family have the delusions that she's some kind of a goddess incarnate or something?"

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn

Replied to N_Stephanie_Santos

Wait she lost the baby 🤯, I forgot😥

So, what if Serena, his wife that he loved so much, could not birth him one?

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


Lets say you are the forbidden fruit. 😌


That’s also her thoughts when you left.

During that time, there were days when he would find himself questioning her in his mind. Did she have no ounce of regret? Did she not miss him at all? Was their relationship of so little value to her? Or was it just a sham all those times?

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


Marry her, then u end up with her and Serena with Geoffrey. Don’ forget that Serena wanted to run way with you.

He won't lie. At that time, a huge chunk of the reason why he considered it was because a part of him was dying to know how Serena would react if he were to marry her lady-in-waiting. Would she be jealous? Would she feel the way he felt when she married Geoffrey? What would she say? Because since he left, it's like she forgot all about him.

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


If you knew the story u would be shocked😅

Since he got back from Norfolk, he found that after Charlton went MIA (missing in action), Lord Christopher Cross has somehow taken his place. Of course, he was still a far second from Geoffrey the crown prince, but Geoffrey was married.

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn


From hate to love 😂

He can't count the number of times he has been overlooked whether in the house of lords or by the next lady he wished to woo because they have all been enamored with the bloke. Thus, when he learned that Charlton was also sent to exile with him, it made him feel good. In a sense, he did not see himself the most tragic figure any longer.

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

Treacherous hearts: Return of the Second Male Lead

History · champilyn

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