Webnovel Author: Cathbel - Fanfic&Novel Collection



LV 14
2019-08-25 Se unió Global

Insignias 17

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Replied to Asahi21

That’s actually not a bad choice either. But I was thinking about Parapsychology and how it’s regarded… which is why I didn’t go this route. Still, now that you say it, it would have also been a good choice.

« I'm talking about terminology. » In a lower voice, I explain : « You know how I've always hated the word mutant, right ? Especially considering that I'm one of them now… Well, I wanted another term to call my… kind. That's how I've decided we should be called. Thanks for the tip, Skye, by the way ! Alter-Human. And not just for mutants but for you, Doreen, too or anyone presenting some kind of genetic difference from other humans. »

Marvel : the Author

Marvel : the Author

Anime & Comics · Cathbel



Let's just say that is one image I will definitely be erasing from my mind when I have the chance.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Mr_Y1

Thanks 🙏

Harry returned to sit at the table and slumped as both girls put their arms around him. He felt he should get a BAFTA if he could pull this off.

Harry Potter:Flashforward

Harry Potter:Flashforward

Movies · AbrahamSmith


Basically a neuralyzer


"Like I said, a memory charm. It's a charm that safely erases part of the memory, usually small chunks of time, 5 or 10 minutes, and the person doesn't even realize they've lost the time. The charm leaves them suggestible for a few moments so you can tell them something to fill in the gap, and their subconscious runs with it from there. Though people who are more skilled at the charm can do days, especially if the mind isn't all that disciplined."

Lost and Longing

Lost and Longing

Movies · Fictiontopia



Obi-Wan set down the datapad in disgust. "Is it bad I'm trying to think of sexual innuendo for every name that comes up now associated to this man? I'm not even sure I want to know the sexual innuendo behind that name."

Lost and Longing

Lost and Longing

Movies · Fictiontopia

Replied to Nay085_digimon

Because Meta comes from the Greek which can mean « with, across or after ». With and across don’t make sense in this instance. That leaves after. After-human. It’s like saying : « we’re replacing you. » The same for Homo Superior.

« I'm talking about terminology. » In a lower voice, I explain : « You know how I've always hated the word mutant, right ? Especially considering that I'm one of them now… Well, I wanted another term to call my… kind. That's how I've decided we should be called. Thanks for the tip, Skye, by the way ! Alter-Human. And not just for mutants but for you, Doreen, too or anyone presenting some kind of genetic difference from other humans. »

Marvel : the Author

Marvel : the Author

Anime & Comics · Cathbel


What’s a BAFTA ?


Harry returned to sit at the table and slumped as both girls put their arms around him. He felt he should get a BAFTA if he could pull this off.

Harry Potter:Flashforward

Harry Potter:Flashforward

Movies · AbrahamSmith



As the contractors started tearing the building down she noticed Harry had Hermione held tightly in is arms, comfortingly whispering in her ear as she watched a place they had once loved raised to the ground.

Harry Potter: Redemption in Time

Harry Potter: Redemption in Time

Movies · Earthly_Writer



Harry, maintaining his calm, explained, "It's not my problem if she can't handle the truth. Now, step aside, please."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz


And I’m…


"Nice to meet you, Ms. Granger. I'm Hadrian, Hadrian Potter," Harry introduced himself in return.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz



With his preparations complete, Harry dressed for the upcoming battle as night fell. He donned a specially designed combat suit that covered him from head to toe, shielding him from acromantula venom. The suit included dragon hide reinforcements at vital points to protect against the spiders' sharp legs. Every part of his body was protected, except his face.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz



The door closed with a soft click, and the laughter faded, leaving a brief silence in the compartment. Cedric looked over at Harry, worry clear in his eyes. "What do you think they're planning? I've got a bad feeling about this."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

Replied to YourGrandfather

Well, with a fall like that, now he might be xD

Dumbledore sighed, "If a student was involved, fear of repercussions might prevent them from coming forward. We'll have to wait for Barnaby(Fletcher's first name) to regain consciousness before learning the truth directly from him."

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

Replied to Brutish

Thankfully, there’s a family which decided to repopulate the UK all by its lonesome… The Weasleys !


The grand doors to the Great Hall opened, and the students followed Professor McGonagall inside. Harry quietly made his way to Cedric's side, taking in the surroundings. He noticed the hall wasn't as populated as he had anticipated, housing no more than 300 students—a stark indicator of the wizarding world's struggle to recover from recent wars.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

Replied to Kraxis93

That’s… a good point. Even better reason for him to screen the testers thoroughly. Perhaps he’ll add safety features like « they think they’re just dreams » or « they don’t remember when they wake up ».

But it raises two problems. One, how to make people dream my ads ? Psychic power or magic is the best way for that, of course. Unfortunately, I don't have the mastery and control required for it. Especially if I have to pay attention to what I'll make people dream. I also don't want to advertise to people one by one. I want to do it on a larger scale. A few dozens, maybe hundreds a night… Can't go much beyond New York though, since that's where the store will based out off.

Marvel : the Author

Marvel : the Author

Anime & Comics · Cathbel


It’s like he’s saying : « Shut up and talk ! » xD

"Kreacher! Shut up and answer Lord Black's questions truthfully," Sirius said, clearly running out of patience.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Book&Literature · TalesByJaz

Replied to Kraxis93

That’s actually a good idea… I think that, in the back of my mind, I was thinking that there were also advantages to not having bones.

So, we each head for the bathrooms to find that… people are stupidly hiding in them. As if the small stalls would protect them. It reminds me of a dog in my last life that always hid under a desk when there was too much noise outside, like a storm or strong winds. I sigh and leave in search of something else… And spot an empty classroom from the small window on the door. I enter and quickly use my changing 'spell'. To call it a spell is too much ; It's more like a password, really. Then again, incantation magic works like this mostly. It uses the words, syntax and phrases to give shape to a spell.

Marvel : the Author

Marvel : the Author

Anime & Comics · Cathbel

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