tommy_king - Profile



male LV 14

Hello traveler. Have a great day. Give me some recommendations for things to read I’m bored.

2019-08-05 Se unió Global

Insignias 26

Moments 3292


Didn’t try his dad?

The line went dead before he could respond. He closed the phone, a sigh escaping his lips. He stood, the lightness from his call replaced by a dull ache. Turning towards his car, he headed home.

Twilight: Rebirth

Twilight: Rebirth

Movies · DumbedDown


Look at what he is missing out on. All that money must have fried his brain for him not to get this beast


Gabriel practically skipped to the front door, keys clutched in his hand. One perk of his absentee parents? Spoiling him rotten. Parked in the garage, like a gleaming metal beast, was his latest present - a brand new BMW M5.

Twilight: Rebirth

Twilight: Rebirth

Movies · DumbedDown

Replied to Nero_K_Cagliostro


I planned to leave Limgrave to my heir,Aemon some time in the future. Maybe when he is 20 and married. I already made it a family rule that no children born of our line are bastards. Our blood is too special to hold to the standards of these medieval men.

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born

Replied to SugmaMaleGamer


Ever since I was born in this reality I've met a lot of capable women who were not given the chance to flourish like in my former.I seek to rectify that in my stronghold even if its just mine. They can become knights, stewards or even principals of the school I am planning to build. They can join the army.

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born

Replied to


Ever since I was born in this reality I've met a lot of capable women who were not given the chance to flourish like in my former.I seek to rectify that in my stronghold even if its just mine. They can become knights, stewards or even principals of the school I am planning to build. They can join the army.

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born

Replied to


Ever since I was born in this reality I've met a lot of capable women who were not given the chance to flourish like in my former.I seek to rectify that in my stronghold even if its just mine. They can become knights, stewards or even principals of the school I am planning to build. They can join the army.

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born

Replied to Jeezy_1898



'If it has tits and a hole you will find him there.'

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

The Elden Lord /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born


The only 1 still alive well done


Using his speed as leverage he used his father's advice and created a supersonic punch that launched Omni man through the mountain. With the danger clear for now Brandon knelt beside War Woman and checked her condition. He released a sigh of relief upon seeing she was all right.

A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

A Different Kryptonian [Invincible/Brightburn] SI

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


Do a hulk landing and take out a city


So I'll be landing in America, huh? Too bad I slept through geography class; I have no idea which state I'm going to land in...

Prototype: For Perfection (SI)

Prototype: For Perfection (SI)

Anime & Comics · Kaptagon


Doing gods work


Now that I've slowed down considerably, I can see this shiny planet brimming with life in all its full glory... It's a pity that when I consume everything, this place will be no different than Mars. If this Earth is the Boku No Pico universe or an NTR manga universe, of course; otherwise, there's no need to kill the golden goose.

Prototype: For Perfection (SI)

Prototype: For Perfection (SI)

Anime & Comics · Kaptagon



And so just six years after the end of second ninja world war, the third ninja world war started, and just like the two in the past, Konoha was the target of multiple villages again.

Konoha: The Template System

Konoha: The Template System

Anime & Comics · Tobi_444

Replied to Yuri_in_HAREM_is_X

How are pandas still alive

Mikoto adjusted the blanket that protected the baby from the cool hospital air, revealing a tiny pink face nestled within. "Itachi, Takeshi, meet the newest member of our family, the princess of the Uchiha. Uchiha Mito."

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER



Time passed once more, with a blink of an eye, and my sense of self seemed to be eroding away. I found myself standing on the precipice of nonexistence—a strange sensation of understanding your existence yet not knowing the very essence that creates you. It was like looking at a reflection in murky water.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

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