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2019-07-19 Se unió Global

Insignias 6

Moments 441

Replied to A_Alo

they existed just no by name yet, in Beni's era was only a couple hundred years after asura and indra, assuming they followed their ancestors the senju would have formed naturally and the Uchiha would have been in the ninja sect or ninjustu group indra started but over time the clan system was over taking the organization system then the next era was villages

'Just like I thought. Uchiha was the name of that group of upstarts possessing the same eyes as the lord founder… they left the sect to establish themselves as a clan. Judging from his eyes they aren't doing too bad if he has the three Tomoe,' Benimaru thinks as the man begins to approach him. Benimaru notices his eyes spinning rapidly and a hateful killing intent oozing from his body. All that hostility directed at him.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to Damion_Hill_3454

thank you that's high praise

ch 37 Next era! Refusal to be side characters pt 1

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to Void_City_16279

it's here


ch 36 34 Conclusion, who will be the last man standing?

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to Swikong

Can you put where I need to correct ?

'He saw what happened?' Hayate notes with surprise as he and Sasuke climb. The sharingan is scary…

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to dion_cole

finally someone who can appreciate it


Iori takes a puff of his pipe and stands up, dusting his clothes his off. "So dramatic," he says with a chuckle. Then suddenly his hawk-like eyes narrow as he unleashes his spiritual pressure bearing down on everyone inside the barrier. The oppressive aura he gave off was taken the same way by both Shinsengumi and ninja alike. This is a challenge, climb up to me if you dare. Friend and foe alike felt as though a wild beast bared its fangs at them from above.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to Flames_5094

well that's high praise lol and good I wanted the hollows to bring dread but still had to nerf them for plot purposes lol

"Everything will be fine Benimaru. Your brother is out there fighting, and he's stronger than anyone knows." Itachi says from the side as he keeps a watchful eye on the group, never straying too far from Sasuke and Benimaru. If all else failed, he must protect those two. Should he save Sasuke alone, Yoriichi may very well kill them both. Itachi alone knows the true extent of the madness hiding behind that smile. As he was lost in thought he heard screams, only to look back to see one of those hollows known as a gillian smashing through a wall. It snatches up a genin who was aiding them, and devours him body and soul. The whole place immediately breaks into chaos as people stampede to get out of harms way. They had no regard for each other in that moment, a man bumps Izumi and Beni to the ground. Luckily, she turned while falling landing on her back leaving Benimaru unharmed.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to Flames_5094

attack on Titan ?

"Everything will be fine Benimaru. Your brother is out there fighting, and he's stronger than anyone knows." Itachi says from the side as he keeps a watchful eye on the group, never straying too far from Sasuke and Benimaru. If all else failed, he must protect those two. Should he save Sasuke alone, Yoriichi may very well kill them both. Itachi alone knows the true extent of the madness hiding behind that smile. As he was lost in thought he heard screams, only to look back to see one of those hollows known as a gillian smashing through a wall. It snatches up a genin who was aiding them, and devours him body and soul. The whole place immediately breaks into chaos as people stampede to get out of harms way. They had no regard for each other in that moment, a man bumps Izumi and Beni to the ground. Luckily, she turned while falling landing on her back leaving Benimaru unharmed.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to Grand_Almasy

how does he know to warn them? and the perpetrator was a Uchiha either he was betraying his clan or conspiracy with an outsider well if you let danzo tell it. and Yo is just gonna say I had a dream in a Martin Luther King voice

Quickly regaining his composure Hiruzen looks Benimaru dead in his eyes with all seriousness "Madara? What would inspire you to bring up a ghost like him?" Homura and Koharu listen intently for his answer. A talented young Uchiha wanting to know more about Madara? That can't be a good sign, even worse when it seems that his elder brother may have some link to the terrorist attack five years ago.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to azrail_nailo_6

Lol he has but Yo is a Uchiha no one would just like the killer of their ethnic group lol but he hasn't yet so he just teases him Yo is a troll. he only does half his deeds to bother people

Yoriichi and Benimaru would spend much more time in their uncle's home. The Uchiha clan patriarch Fugaku, enjoyed having them over despite his hard to read stoic demeanor (which Yoriichi picked at whenever he got the chance). Mikoto absolutely doted on her nephews, especially Benimaru who couldn't run away from her yet. He made it his current mission to learn to walk as fast as possible. Itachi would have loved having his cousins over too, but Yo randomly becomes angry with him entirely unprovoked. He's usually muttering something about a traitor. Of course no one else ever saw this behavior. This was as confusing as it was alarming to him, giving him yet another mystery to ponder. A couple of short months later their aunt Mikoto gave birth to her second son, Sasuke who actually had childlike emotions. They were starting to think this generation of Uchiha main branch were having developmental issues before he came along. Fugaku's brother had remained in his home not bothering to even inquire about his sons, and the few times they came back was either met with hostility or indifference. It was clear he needed space, so they let him be for now.

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

Replied to HonoredOneWally

Thank you guys lol

Gai rushes to meet Iori swinging his nunchaku to deflect a slash aimed at Kakashi. While Gai attacks at full force while Iori seems completely relaxed bringing down his blade with a gentle breath. Switching the positioning of his hands mid-swing his sword changes it's trajectory like a coursing river, avoiding the oncoming attack and landing a critical slash. Iori calmly steps forward as a large torrent of water comes down on the falling ninja. "Form of the water dragon: Imperial wrath"

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Naruto: Uchiha Brothers

Anime & Comics · The_11th_Division

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