Yes he is, but also its like very far into the future and inflation is a thing, so its possible that the value of yen has either dropped a lot or average salary has increased a lot.
Money: 406,500 yen.
Anime & Komik · akikan40
Idk, depends on the mental state of the person, ive tried offing myself multiple times before i stopped, but ik ppl who are still struggling with it, even after more than a few attempts
Truthfully, he regretted it a few minutes after taking the handful of pills. His life wasn't all bad. He had hobbies and friends that were always there for him, but unluckily he was already getting drowsy by that point.
Film · AlienWarlord
I relate with shikamura
Inuzuka was not good at academics. Shun was extremely good at academics, Hikigaya was in the top of the rankings of the class, and Shikamura even thought he was lazy, he studied and scored good marks in fear of his mother.
Anime & Komik · FictionOnlyReader
Bc, possible harem member
'I think she was . . . Happy? Satisfied? Pleased? When I complimented her but was wholly uncaring when I said something offensive . . . Maybe she can detect my intent so she didn't feel offended by the words themselves?' Jun theorized.
Anime & Komik · lusoba
Havent read shit just the title, but I love yugioh and elden ring, plus i actually made a custom elden ring deck for yugioh so this brought me back
Elden Ring Decks within Yu-Gi-Oh!
Anime & Komik · Drogan