

male LV 14


2020-03-05 Se unió Italy
Insignias 12

Moments 1385
23 hours ago
Replied to rak_iwal

This is a ninja village. They would definitely monitor everything, this guy's are paranoid,should have contingency for everything, and kill for a living, it's the MC that is strange

After that, he asked the shopkeeper whether they had chakra papers. The Shopkeeper nodded and Fujin bought one for 100 Ryo.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

23 hours ago


2- Different pov/Interlude - if chosen, choose (Aisha, Isthar, Freya, Lili, Soma, Bell, Hestia, Ais, ???, Ouranos, Fels, Golbin the Mind Goblin, or someone else -propose in the comments)

Danmachi - Depthless Hunger

Danmachi - Depthless Hunger

Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234

1 days ago

Is he going to take control of Unicron ?

Anrepheph shakes but I stay still. I don't feel threatened at all. The 'incomprehensible' quantum computers which calculate probabilities forward and backwards in time, in perpetuity, giving Unicron's processors an ever-changing, evolving map of the multiverse, might be a problem for most, but not for me. 

Necron in the Multiverse

Necron in the Multiverse

Book&Literature · vhelblings

2 days ago
Replied to Orphus

Im pretty sure the author is going to create some other situation, because obviously being 10 times stronger of a campione doesnt mean much for the author.

3 days ago

Ah, here is the nerf, I was looking for it. Good job author, you didnt forget about it. Lets just hope this one doesnt get excessive

He would be always in control of the tower. To create it, he had magically split his own soul in half, which also effectively halved his magical power.

Harry's Multiversal Journey

Harry's Multiversal Journey

Book&Literature · SenseiCaffeine

3 days ago
Replied to Beelze1

Ah right, because thousand of years of experience got dumped in the trash. I'm going to be honest with you, the fic was interesting until last two chapters with Elijah confrontation. Not the confrontation itself, but the fact that the MC is only good when confronted against weak opponents and knowledge of the future. like come on, apart the fact that its obvious he changed, you make him nerf for shit and giggles. And it's annoying when hes one of the strongest creatures in the series

Jason may have had Klaus's memories and body, but the mentality was his own, and he was far from used to such pain.

Reborn as klaus Mikaelson at the beginning of Originals

Reborn as klaus Mikaelson at the beginning of Originals

TV · Beelze1

3 days ago

Come on, you can't just dismiss thousands of years just like this. at this point you are finding anything to justify this. Even the fact that he can't paint doesn't make much sense.

Jason may have had Klaus's memories and body, but the mentality was his own, and he was far from used to such pain.

Reborn as klaus Mikaelson at the beginning of Originals

Reborn as klaus Mikaelson at the beginning of Originals

TV · Beelze1

5 days ago

what do you mean by prestige?

I isolated a moment in time, splitting my probable selves and shunting me into a near duplicate equally probable reality transporting me into it, at the moment of parallel determination. Normally the only problem would be the effect on time itself and that there can be only one of each individual at one point in time at the same time. And since there is normally a similar being in each probable dimension, that would mean that one of them had to bear the consequences of doing what I did. Basically, it is similar to prestige. 

Necron in the Multiverse

Necron in the Multiverse

Book&Literature · vhelblings

5 days ago
Replied to ChaosV

his son, not a stranger that almost killed him. Stop giving exucuses for stupid plot and plot holes. Ninja even killed children if it was mission. Just look at Itachi.

5 days ago
Replied to RewindTime

Your comments are full of shit. How much did you pay for the reviews, because clearly they are lying about the quality. honestly it was good until the stupid shit with the ambush. I understand they hacked his seals, buy everything else you ruined your fic. All so you can suck Pietro's dick. Good grief, you made this go from 5 to 0 in a chapter. good work I guess

Sorry guys I know this'll be a controversial chapter, I know some of you would have wanted Minato to kill all of them or even just kill Magneto, but I do REALLY enjoy writing Pietro and I kind of want Minato and him to fight side by side in a scene at some point. 

Minato in Marvel

Minato in Marvel

Anime & Comics · RewindTime