

LV 4
2019-03-19 Se unió Global
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17 days ago

volley fire with bows is a Hollywood myth. it doesnt work. Anyone who has ever drawn a proper bow will know why.

Each volley sent about 2,500 arrows every 3 seconds, meaning that with each breath, the sky darkened again, drowning Stannis's troops under a rain of steel.

Ronnet Connington SI

Ronnet Connington SI

TV · Ghostrider0002

17 days ago


[T/N: smart...Quick tip if you are trying to choke someone, crush their windpipe, it's relatively easy and there is almost no chance of survival, and your victim can't make noise to alert anyone. THIS IS A TIP FOR AUTHORS THAT ARE WRITING MURDER SCENES, DO NOT USE MY KNOWLEDGE TO KILL PEOPLE!]

A Gamer in Game of Thrones

A Gamer in Game of Thrones

TV · PuddingLord

28 days ago

1 months ago

1 months ago
Replied to Mrdelightfil

its clearly stated that this fics are from along with the authors name. its also stated that its for personal use which i imagine its for the audio reader since is terrible. read descriptions before making a fool out of yourself.

1 months ago
Replied to Zayji_Vinsmoke

dude chill.

1 months ago

what is black depression?

The nasty squeal of brakes drowned out the sounds of pouring rain, a bump, a flash of pain, and the saving darkness of unconsciousness. "Who's here?" — I ask silently into the darkness, sensing someone's presence. The answer is a waterfall of images. Here I am, as a little boy, in the car with my parents on a mountain serpentine. Mom and Dad are arguing. It makes me feel bad. I love them both! Headlights from an oncoming car, my dad jerks the wheel. A terrible bump, another, the picture falls, it hurts, I think he's-I'm screaming. The ceiling, the usual whitewashed ceiling of a hospital, instruments beeping, I roll my eyes and see an IV. A new set of memories — the funeral of my parents, a kind great aunt who takes care of orphans, takes me to the orphanage. Black depression, kids bullying him, or me, poor kid.

HP: Handbook for Transmigrator

HP: Handbook for Transmigrator

Book&Literature · Molakar

2 months ago


"Congratulations... Baegel." He looked like he wanted to laugh saying his name. "That was an impressive throw. Most impressive."

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF)

Video Games · SovereignOfHeaven

2 months ago

ugh enough with the simping comments my man, you sound like an angsty 14 years old incel

Do not worship pussy in this way, boy. Come back from simping.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

2 months ago

sounds like a galley to me....

With all preparations at the dock made, I pulled back into the town and ascended to the wooden walkways to watch the Ironborn sail into harbor. Ten ships like the towers proclaimed, but these were not the thirty oar ships like we'd seen last time. Nine of the ships bore seventy oars, two men to an oar for a hundred and forty men at least, but with enough space for a further thirty if they packed in tight. The brow and stern both had elevated platforms for archers, making these vessels far more capable in naval battles than mine.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

  • Whispers of Ice and Iron original

    Whispers of Ice and Iron

    Book&Literature ASOIAF

    Whisked away from a life shrouded in treachery and cold oblivion, Sigurd awakens in the frozen embrace of the North, reborn into a world he doesn't remember. Haunted by echoes of betrayal and a past life lost to a lord's ambition, he finds himself grappling with amnesia and a deep-seated distrust of those in power. Yet, beneath the icy fear, a flicker of defiance burns. Guided by an unnamed yearning for honor and loyalty, Sigurd stumbles towards Winterfell, the ancestral seat of House Stark, where promises of answers and a new beginning glimmer amidst the harsh, contrasting beauty of the North. Within the ancient walls of Winterfell, Sigurd finds himself embraced by a society built on stark values – honor, justice, and unwavering loyalty. He forms a bond with House Cassel, sworn bannermen to the Starks, their unwavering commitment to these principles resonating with the yearning within him. But trust doesn't come easily for someone twice burned. Can Sigurd learn to navigate the treacherous waters of political intrigue and personal turmoil without succumbing to the shadows of his past? Can he reconcile the whispers of betrayal with the echoes of honor that call to him from within Winterfell? And most importantly, can he carve a new path in this unforgiving land, where wolves howl not just in the wilderness, but also in the hearts of men? As whispers of conspiracy and ambition slither through the halls of Winterfell, Sigurd finds himself drawn into a dangerous game of shadows. With loyalties challenged and the fate of the North hanging in the balance, he must rise above his own demons and fight not just for survival, but for the very values that define the North. His journey will be forged in the biting wind, his scars tested against the fire of betrayal, and his destiny, etched in the ice and blood of his past, will rise like a howling song of redemption amidst the endless winter.

    3 Chs 79 Colecciones