C. I'll be taking a break from my Spider-Man fan-fic for a little while. I've been working on it for a long time, and I'm starting to feel a bit burned out. I know some of you might be worried that I'm abandoning the story, but don't worry - I'm not giving up on it! I just need to take a step back, recharge, and come back to it with fresh eyes. Some authors work on multiple projects simultaneously, and I've come to realize why. I'm not facing a writer's block or stuck without ideas; it's just that working on the same project has started to wear me out.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
3. Why would he use excessive force against weak opponents? Just because you can use a pitchfork, doesn't mean you need to use it to eat spaghetti. A normal fork will suffice.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
5. The usual journey of a hero, where the hero comes out on top in the end.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
4. Dramatic storytelling.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
Elekid's glow intensified until its entire body was engulfed in light. Moments later, its small frame expanded and changed shape. When the light faded, Elekid had transformed into an Electabuzz, now resembling a tiger with sleek, yellow fur marked by bold black stripes and plug-like horns on its head.
Anime & Comics · PokePals
"Congratulations! Corphish successfully defeated Crawdaunt and gained 8,500 experience points. Would you like to use a triple experience boost card?"
Anime & Comics · PokePals
As the glow subsided, a majestic Rapidash stood before them, its fiery mane flowing like a living flame. Its proud stance and gleaming eyes exuded strength and grace.
Anime & Comics · PokePals
Tall, wild, wearing a green fur skirt that reached his knees and a collar around his neck.
Others · theusual
Harry, MJ, and Felicia were already moving. Peter tightened his fists followed. Forget being an anti-hero or acting matured, I should just become a villain and straight up punch this redhead in the face!
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
As the light faded, standing before Ash was a towering Tyranitar, its green armor gleaming in the sunlight. The very ground seemed to quake beneath its feet, and the air grew heavy with an oppressive, sandstorm-like aura.
Pokémon: Ash's New Journey
Anime & Comics · PokePals