And why not Featherine Augustus Aurora. She is one of the few protagonists who could be compared to one above all.
Could I have the link to the Chinese version of this fanfic?
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Anime & Comics · Veoudl
Honestly I love the concept of this fanfic. I really liked this first chapter so I can't wait to read the rest of it. Ps: if it can help you I advise you to use "Deepl" it's like "google trad" but much better.
But author, I didn't understand if you were continuing or not your other fanfic (harry potter, Monkey king campione)?
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Question but isn't haki based on will? So that means he can develop it?
Courage author you know what they say: Even hell is less terrifying than an angry woman.😁😁
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Book&Literature · whitedawn
But now that I think about it, if the area he's in is in chaos it means that he used a kind of reality marble because like Shiro or Archer imposing a world made of an infinite sword (UBW or Unlimited Blade Works) Leo imposes a world made of a multitude (if not an infinity/but we don't have the answer) of flaws and imperfections so it means that he could have the possibility to develop his own reality marble. What do you think of this idea?????
This chapter is just really incredible
So basically he has begun an apotheosis which is the path to the divine and perfection but for all that he denies the principle in himself by imposing the concept of imperfection. Just amazing I want to know the rest 🤩🤩
But will the Mc get the mystical eyes of death perception since his situation is the same that ryuogi shiki?
New Hero in DxD
Anime & Comics · kingCH