continue writing please
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number 2 &4
fast draw sword technique
The main problem is the Latex looking BAT SUITE NOThim beating people up
The Counselor: (Bruce, honestly not much wrong with you, well other than you beat the shit out of people in a giant bat suit, but honestly a lot of good work, if you don't include all your protégés either dying or leaving you and how most of your contingencies usually come around to bite you in the arse. Ehh I guess stop being so paranoid and shit might work out, You're welcome."
Anime & Comics · Zevren
yes but it's not from the blind man's prospective at this point. the author just changed it to the third person P.O.V
The leader himself seemed to be wielding a weapon, a large two-bladed red scythe that was tied to his wrist by a long chain that was wrapped around his arm.
Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
just try your best. that's all we can do. as repetitive as it may sound one step at a time.
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your whole fanfic staring from five chapter's ago have sharple declined in both writing compression, grammar and spelling. please for the Love of God fix it. I do not want another one of my favorite fanfics to be ruined again
I'm glad you're feeling better and decided to continue the fanfic. It was one of my favorites and one of the few that writers didn't half-*** while saying they were trying their best.
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tsunade doesn't have homophobia. homo=gay phobia =fear so homophobia is fear of being gay or of gays themselves. tsunade has a fear of blood.
continue writing please. It's one of the best Naruto fanfics I have read
The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle
Anime & Comics · Dienekes