Kry0genic_ - Profile



male LV 13

A random person.

2018-12-25 Se unió United Kingdom

Insignias 11

Moments 1366


I really hope this isn't dropped

ch 498 Chapter 498: Ascending the God Refining Steps

Douluo: Ronin

Douluo: Ronin

Anime & Comics · primordial_idli


This definitely makes her my favourite so far ngl

Seeing Qian Renxue's agreement, Qian Daoliu nodded in satisfaction, a smile on his face.

Douluo: Ronin

Douluo: Ronin

Anime & Comics · primordial_idli


He's almost as skilled as Vergil when he tries to avoid paying child support lol

When they turned back to look, Zeng Yi had already disappeared, leaving behind an empty wine cup.

Douluo: Ronin

Douluo: Ronin

Anime & Comics · primordial_idli


The fourth wall has been breached

Sure enough, the protagonist always managed to acquire unexpected treasures at the auction. The ancients didn't deceive people, and this web novel's plot didn't deceive me!

Douluo: Ronin

Douluo: Ronin

Anime & Comics · primordial_idli


Take your time to get better, and thanks for letting us know and not just disappearing lol

Well, I was supposed to have my back surgery on Friday -- I thought of posting a notification before I went to the surgical ward to get your well wishes. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday working out--- hard!! cause the doctor wants me to lose 5 kg before the surgery. I barely did that. But when I went to get one last checkup before they cut me open, we found out that my white blood cell count was dangerously low. So I was warded in a sterile room before the doctor find out the cause of it. I got pneumonia, and it was a bad one. I need a month or two before my blood can finally get clean -- if nothing else happened. Sorry I was out for a while. The drugs makes me sluggish and my mind wont work. I promise I will be back as soon as I can!

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

TV · Alittlepiggy33



I think I have vision problems because I just saw myself in the top ten... why?! wtf! this scares me... well, so much support makes me happy, really, and thank you very much, but now I'm scared of publishing a chapter that is not as good as you expect.

I Stream DC on Marvel

I Stream DC on Marvel

Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen


And another one bites the dust ig..

Quick update on my fanfics: my One Piece and Marvel fics are officially dropped due to underwhelming support and reaction. It was my fault that people lost interest due to experimenting too much with my writing style, but what's done is done, and I gotta eat too.

Marvelous Twist

Marvelous Twist

Anime & Comics · Wicked132


Bro's about to go on a warpath lol

"Um hmm, I am pretty sure that guy even snuck a few out to sell off. Tough luck bud."

Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

Destiny: The Legendary Hunter

Video Games · Writers_Ablood


I mean, they're probably both still "at each others throats" just in a different sort of way lol

"You could always have her rotate with Kai," Mozi said, not too spitefully. It still surprised him that the two of them were a thing, despite how much they outwardly got at each other's throats. But then again, considering that Ren used to be Kai's lieutenant up until Tai Plains, perhaps them bonding shouldn't be so surprising.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


Chicken wings and a nice cold beer are a perfect mix

I shrugged and said slightly, "Well I'm not going to be an alcoholic. I just want to have chicken wings and beer, like people always do in tv shows." 

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

TV · Alittlepiggy33

Replied to STEVIOL_GLY

Nope, there's a lot of racism in Skyrim, especially in Windhelm

'Cool, ill be a young dunmer orphan whose parents died in the great war, they were mages and left me with at least a basic education, both mundane and magical, I also don't want to spend too long pretending to be a child awaken my memory when I am at least a teenager, also when am I starting?'

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

Replied to 63anz

I was talking about Kano

"Uh-huh, enjoy it," Kano muttered as she got comfortable in the comfy chairs in the VIP booths that overlooked the arena. Unlike Arisu, she seemed used to it. So much so that she had gone ahead and placed a small bet on the fight they were going to watch.

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader


Cultivator spotted


It's the power of friendship

But the bald bitch was just aiming for a dramatic buildup. As she noticed his devasted face, she added, smiling, "And you don't even need anyone's help... What you need to help yourself is already within you.... That's everything I can tell you. Now then, I bid you farewell..."

Marvel: I Need A New Body

Marvel: I Need A New Body

Anime & Comics · Marveller



"Yeah. I'll be staying at the ranch for a while. Hopefully they really have installed wifi there, or I'll be living like it's the middle ages all over again."

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

TV · Alittlepiggy33

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