it is! I find myself skipping chapters sometimes!
"The price is easy to negotiate. We can start the negotiation now. 100 million, 200 million, 300 million! One billion! Money is not a problem!"
Eastern · Wood Easily Starts Fires
this chapter made no sense! he's starting to do things that low profile people won't do. listen to the girl story about her family give advice watch a useless duel 😞.I am finding myself skipping chapters since I can predict 😭 where it is going!
won't drop. working.
that's cool too 😌!
still here. thanks for the comment it encourages me. I to plan on being back, i am still writing. the chapters to come will be better.
still here. thanks for the comment it encourages me. i do plan on coming back.
I know. working 2 jobs. hopefullhopefully I will be back April 2022. still writing.
vigerramouas is Star's god name. in chapter 54 star will also give Alex a god name fitting his character. you shoushould read chapter name Curse contract it is one of the chapterchapters with the most changes.
"No, if you had captured Ives, then it would work. If he is at a party or with a trusted official of the king empire right now and everyone sees him, it would be hard to pin this on him. Then everyone would know that someone is trying to frame him. Making it harder to frame him again. Leading to you failing the quest." Vigerřamous dispelled Alex's idea of turning back.
Fantasy · farmer_with_dimple
hope I'm not too late. I think they haven't released it yet cause it isn't the perfect time. if they released it they would be alert government agencies of the lab corruption before they could take advantage of the situation. the way I see it; destroy the lab then release. this would serve as reasoning why variants should be against humhumans and that their actions of destroying the lab was out of necessity. the video of them torture the son of a hero would invoke the perfect storm. giving reason that the variant uprising isn't a malice group. in my opinion
why would this matter to him? if he comes he come. another chapter I will skip! cliche is live.
Now, he had actually attracted the attention of the Han state sword sage, Liu Chengxun.
Zero To Hero In The Martial Arts Library
Eastern · Wood Easily Starts Fires