MISSYCHA - Profile



female LV 5

Black and tall

2018-12-20 Se unió Global

Insignias 9

Moments 90


I pray so...,. she's suffered enough.

No one knew when it would happen, just that it did and a few days before it took place, the group of wolves who dealt with the study of the moon would find it and inform other packs.

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

History · Stephanie_king1


If only she will.

No one, not one single person had acknowledged me or cared about me .

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

History · Stephanie_king1


You should've given her the 200 lashes since she requested for it and I won't pity her for this one no matter what her reasons are.

"I will pretend like none of these happened." He said. "And let this pass to others. If such ever occurs again, then your heads would be on a spike. That I promise you all."

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

History · Stephanie_king1


Like seriously ?

"Please." I begged him. "I'll take the punishment myself. Just don't beat them."

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

History · Stephanie_king1

Replied to Powy

You can't be bored with Maxi she's a whole mood

"Hello, Islinda," Maxi greeted cheerfully, waving despite her predicament. "Nice of you to finally pay us a visit. Although I hate to break it to you, now is not a good time."

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


You better let him off with Maxi cos he's not loyal to you and I don't see him becoming one and since Maxi will rather betray you than her mate, it's best you let them go, I'm sure you can survive without people you can't trust. Maxi had done it ones, she'll do it again for her mate if it arises cos of the mate bond, she might have good intentions but trust is trust and when broken it's broken.

He might be able to forgive Maxi, after all, this was her first rebellion and she had done it for his mate, Islinda. But Issac? No. He promised the Fae there would be no escaping if he betrayed him the second time. Aldric had to keep to his promise — and reputation. Issac was not loyal to him at all and there was every tendency he would betray him again. 

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


I thought she said she was a hostage so since when did hostages or servants question their masters?

Suspicion crept into her gaze as she confronted him. "Where are Maxi and Issac, Aldric? What have you done this time?"

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


How else will he interpret your actions as someone who have gone through disappointment even from his own mother for just being born, how do you expect someone like him to ever trust anyone when all he has ever known is hatred, biased and unwarranted judgement from every point of his life?

Moments ago, Islinda and Aldric had been engulfed in a whirlwind of passion, but now they were back to square one. Despite her inability to control her feelings for Aldric, Islinda resolved to suppress them rather than be with someone who would question her own affection. 

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


Who started what? I'm honestly tired of you guys.

"You shouldn't have agreed to this fight either," Islinda admonished Valerie, her voice tinged with sorrow. "It was a trick. This was what he wanted all along, even without me being in the picture. A chance to draw you into a legal fight where he can tear you to pieces, and no one would stop him."

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


How is it his fault when Valerie is the one that proposed everything, I don't understand this girl, did Aldric send those assassin's or the soldiers after her in the first place so how did he become the manipulater here?

Islinda's heart sank as she realized the truth of Aldric's intentions. Despite her hopes that he had changed, he remained the same manipulative and power-hungry Fae prince she had always known. He had used her to his advantage, drawing Valerie into a duel that he was sure to win. In that moment, Islinda understood that no matter how much affection Aldric claimed to have for her, his thirst for power would always come first. She would forever be relegated to second place in his heart.

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


Stop flattering yourself Islanda, Valerie is not fighting for you, he's fighting for his ego and hatred.

For a moment, Islinda forgot how to breathe. A duel to the death? Her blood ran cold at the thought. There was no way these two idiots were about to kill each other, especially not over her. Not on her watch. She gasped, her heart pounding with fear and disbelief.

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


Well I think the killings will be postponed, since both of you are bent on killing each other at least let us your fans enjoy your mating moments a bit, and like Maxi I'm getting myself some snacks

At first, Aldric didn't know where to keep his hand but he placed it on her head and then gently began to thread his hand through it. Islinda stiffened at the action but she eventually relaxed and it somehow sent a thrill through him. Islinda was beginning to trust him, although it was a bad idea considering what he planned to do to her tonight. 

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


How can one be bored with Maxi around

"Moreover," Maxi returned to watching the kissing couples, "I have an interesting show to watch, there's no room for distraction. Also, I think that is the longest kiss I've ever seen. They should be awarded." 

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


You'll kill the only person that is protecting you, did your prince charming even look for you or care about your safety after the breakfast mess till now? no! so wake up and stop the drama

On the other hand, Islinda had no reservations about killing Aldric once she was free. It would be a favor to the entire Fae realm. She was certain they would congratulate her for a job well done. Afterward, Fae Queen Maeve would likely dispose of her, now that she had no one to protect her. Why did her life have to be so difficult? Islinda sighed, feeling frustrated.

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


Too dramatic

This was the most humiliating day of her life.

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy


I hope you don't regret your choice Islanda cos now I don't trust those witches and what if Lola gets her hands on this info?

"I have discreetly sent out a request for a witch, and I'll let you know once we have one. I don't trust the witches from the palace; they're all spies for the Queens," Andre said.

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Mated To The Cruel Prince

Fantasy · Glimmy

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