yes,I was wondering why he kept on listening to her poison? Getting poison into your mind is even more dangerous than getting poison into your body!
"You talk too much," Henry said coldly. "You have no right to question Kate's heart when you're the reason why she left. I should've killed you long ago, Sarah Lancaster."
Urban · ForeverPupa
It was for Earl Klaus that Henry let Sarah go that Earl Klaus is not alive..Henry is free to deal with the evil woman as he wishes! Foolish Sarah thinks she can do what ever she wants now? Just you wait..
Where is the adopted daughter Miss Song? She must be one from the enemy's family?
Lu siblings know who their sister seems that Song Yu too know of it?
A mere " I'm sorry" which was forced out of her, made all the past grievances go away?? she is a Saint indeed!
Shall i skip the next 3 chapters to know the real content of Ye lanchen's Press conf.?
So good to see Guan Meiyi and GZ being lovey dovey sweet !
Haha..she is brilliant in fighting ..its all mind games with Gu family and their paid "spy"!
Haha! That paparazo who wrote bad things about Han family will feel as if his neck is being cut off!
I think..may be Wanwan is Mr.Amson's daughter! And his family may know about this ..but I doubt if Amson knows he has amnesia
Urban · En's Cozy Haven