

male LV 4
2018-12-16 Se unió United States
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Insignias 8

Moments 67
2 days ago


"If you people want to party and enjoy the real nightlife here in Xandar, you can always visit my nightclub. It's called Stan's Marvel. I host the craziest parties in the entire Nova kingdom." He acknowledged with a nod. "You can come and release some steam there if life ever gets too complicated for you, isn't that right girls?" He offered while hugging his girls tighter, even fondling a few of them. "Hahaha, take care, kid. AND DON'T LET THE PARTY END!" He yelled before speeding away without even letting me respond. 

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom

2 days ago
Replied to Ronin46

Well, what do you expect from the US government

"Yes..., get out of there with your team, Coulson. We have already started evacuating the people from the city. The directors have come to a decision. If everything fails to stop Abomination, then they will be using a nuke to flatten the entirety of Harlem along with him... In fact, I doubt they will even be waiting for everyone to finish safely evacuating. As much as I know these motherfuckers, they will probably press the button the moment Atem hits the floor." Fury explained, his teeth gritting in anger and annoyance at his own powerlessness over the situation. 

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom

2 days ago

It makes so much sense!!


"Should we give him some backup as well, since he is our last hope to subdue Subject B? We have a couple of chemical weapons stored in the back of our truck from our last mission in Wuhan." Coulson suggested with a straight face. "It contains a couple of quite destructive toxins and artificial biological diseases. Those will at least slow him down a little, right? Worse comes to worst, we can always just seal off this area later, citing radiation leakage due to the fight between the Hulk and Abomination." He said, voicing out his opinion.

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom

2 days ago

He... kinda got a point


"You are watching too much news nowadays, Harry. This is America. It doesn't matter if someone invents the source of unlimited energy or an infinite food Hax, we will always be the ones ending up paying for it because that's how capitalism works. It leeches us of our wealth and freedom by channeling everything we have into the pockets of the top one percent who are richer than us. Our country right now is a joke and no matter what potential invention or the next great discovery they try to fill up our minds with, our situation isn't going to improve... God, sometimes I really wish that Hitler would have won that day. At least, that way, we would have known that we are slaves to the elites." His friend who was dressed in a similar-looking uniform responded with a displeased click of his tongue before going on to finish his grilled sandwich with an aggrieved look on his face.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

2 days ago
Replied to Canine_9_6438

That's WILD

"Yes, I did have your cure all this time but tell me, would you have appreciated it if I just handed it over to you? Would you have even taken it? I have been giving hints about your condition for a long time. But every time, you simply chose to ignore me. That's why I never told you about the serum because I knew that when you truly need it, you would ask for my help and that would be the best time for me to hand it over. And no, I didn't steal your hair. However, I would appreciate it if you never asked me where I got your DNA sample from since I don't want to remember that phase of my life. But don't worry, I won't be making clones of you or stuff. As for your bald patch, that's either your imagination or because you are getting old." I said, trying my best to hide the fact that I had to steal the tissues he used to masturbate in to get hold of his DNA samples.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

2 days ago
Replied to King_Saber

yes, but he'd just revive himself. People often forget that he's not immortal. He CAN die, he just gets revived by his healing factor before he can eternally rest

"I am sorry to hear that, Slade. But fret not, I have the solution to your problem right here." I said as I opened one of the top shelves in the corner and took out a small jet injector labeled 'Deathstroke-0CM1' before tossing it to Slade. "That will perfect the enhancement serum formula running through your veins so that it doesn't affect your brain anymore or cause any further personality issues. However, you still have mild PTSD and anxiety issues due to your long period of intense service in the army. So, I will have to recommend at least half an hour of counseling in the AmuSphere every week for the next three months. Cortana will help you with that and make sure that you are as good as new by the time you are done... Oh, and also, get a healthier diet than you currently have. Even your miraculous healing abilities will fall short if you keep eating an XXL-sized cheeseburger with extra cheese on top of it every day." I advised before getting back to cleaning my armor since I was going to need it real soon.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

19 days ago

wasn't he freely talking about themiscara and fighting gods in front of her? shouldn't she already know?

As soon as I had finished adorning the suit, Leslie gasped before exclaiming, "W-what is that armor, Bruce? Wait, are you...?" However, before she could complete her words, I launched into the air with the help of the thrusters under my feet. I was in a hurry and right now, reaching Brussels was the top priority. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

19 days ago
Replied to Night132

lol! I do that sometimes as well. 😂😂

Now a lot of people might ask why I was concerned about someone like David Cain, a mere human who had no supernatural or superhuman power whatsoever. Well, remember the 'preparation hack' that Batman is famous for? The reason why Batman always wins against all of his enemies? The reason why Batman can even defeat extradimensional all-powerful entities with enough time? Guess who taught it to him. Yep, it was David Cain, the man who can kill anyone with enough time and preparation.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

19 days ago
Replied to Alex_Santo

it's not like it's Damians biology to be a d*ck head. this bruce will raise him right.

"I am going to drain your balls. You can go ahead and release all your seed into me, even impregnate me if that is what you desire. I am sure that my dead father would be more than glad if his daughter became a breeding mare for his favorite student and heir." Talia purred with an aggressive clench around him. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

19 days ago
Replied to WouldStealitAgain

yeah, but people like lex luthor could potentially hack it. especially considering he made it when he was like 12 or something?

Of course, I didn't tell her that another reason why I placed the tracker in the bat tool was to ensure that if it ever fell into the wrong hands, I could effortlessly track and recover it. After all, I don't want anybody using a billion-dollar weapon that could potentially even knock out Kryptonians to commit petty crimes, do I?

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

  • A Powerful Legacy original

    A Powerful Legacy


    A young man who grew up in 1880s London, has been recognized as a wizard by one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Hogwarts has opened their doors to a king among men. Watch as William Lee Lewis ascends to the top, collecting money, women, and power. By the end of his journey not even the eldest of mages can stand in his way. Smart MC, Cunning MC, Strong to Stronger I put Antihero because he's not completely evil just self-concerned.

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