Baobao looked at the gift and her eyes lit up. She turned to Liu Yan and shouted, "Auntie! It's a pig who is not picky eater!"
Urban · BigMarch
can't forget huh? 😂😂
"Is it a pig who is not picky eater again?" Baobao swallowed.
Urban · BigMarch
This is the big difference between the two (Kingdom of Zal and the Empire). People bow down because of gratitude and respect not because of power behind those thrones.
I wasn't afraid of not being accepted because I knew that could happen. Of course that didn't mean I wouldn't be sad or disappointed, but those emotions wouldn't interfere with my Imperial duty.
Fantasy · LuciferSama
An eye for an eye and ..... Payback time hihihihi
"This isn't an ordinary leech," she said cheerfully. "This is a demon parasite that would hatch eggs as soon as it entered a human body. Do you know what the best part is? It doesn't discriminate. This little bastard doesn't care whether its host is a male or female body. It will still get you "pregnant.""
Fantasy · sola_cola
Am I the only one who hate the Saint? Yes he betrayed the God but why now!?😡why didn't he betrayed the God in the past. Nicole always verbally express her intention to runaway with him. And the Saint, he himself knows the treatment of being born as a female royal. And can't the Saint realized the change of Nicole after the rescue? Like bro what the heck 🤬🤬🤬 I understand that he can't be seen in the Palace if there's no official business but he can at least find what really happened, I am now questioning your love for Nicole and your faith to the God. He just wait to have a horrible thing happened to Nicole before he realized that. What a fudge!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. And also the child that is innocent even it's an experiment. The child didn't do anything to harm them or any other living being it's the opposite and the child is a prisoner ( the child is also pitiful 🤧). He shouldn't have killed the child. He can send the child away why kill him/her. Biologically speaking the child is still Nicole's. Just like the saying Prevention is better than cure. If the Saint agree to runaway with Nicole there's a possibility that it wouldn't happen to Nicole.
she name the system Jolly, then a cub Orion. She has favoritism lol
"I Shall name you Orion.
Fantasy · lazy_wanderer
Just a hunch, maybe the body that Shiro possessed is connected to the Sect were Nan Tian is. He said that the Sect nurture the child at a young age maybe that girl is also one of that.And the reason that the body has a broken link maybe because of other envious children or maybe something more like a family struggle.
He knew that snow girls could form from the corpse of a female adventurer. And that could be the reason as to why she was able to have such combat experience.
Fantasy · Reili
ahh, I like xhez than elisa but I much prefer if both of them end up with Rin. They have different views, xhez is more on innocent type and elisa is in mature type.
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Fantasy · Already_In_Use
yuri zombie apocalypse is rare so please author.
A new taste of GL genre with a serious and stable story development.
The Lone Healer
LGBT+ · Already_In_Use