Smiling, Liam explained, "I've noticed that every Pokémon seems to have a unique innate powers. I call it an 'Ability.' These abilities vary widely. For example, my Nidoking sometimes poisons opponents even without using Poison-type moves—I call this ability Poison Point. My Gabite becomes faster and doesn't take damage during sandstorms or when using Sandstorm—I call this ability Sand Veil. Arcanine, on the other hand, has an ability I named Justified. When hit by certain types of moves, his attack power increases. And speaking of those types, I think I've managed to uncover a new one."
Anime & Comics · LoverrBoy
"Pikachu, your job is to find Rivals for Charmander," Evan instructed. "Remember the Caterpie you sparred with before? They'll be Charmander's primary opponents now. Lead the way and help him out."
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Yes, a Pokémon is more costly, but raising a child that wants to become a trainer is also more costly because of the education and the Pokémon that the child will be getting.
The cost of raising a child is high.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Chapter 35: Hello, Lopunny
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
"Butterfree, Psychic Earth Toss. Ready."
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
Take Gardevoir, for instance, a long-time champion on the "Most Desirable Pokémon to Marry" list.
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
But in reality, under equal training and resources, a Dragonite would utterly dominate a Beedrill.
Anime & Comics · GodDragcell
[What evil thoughts could a Little Spirit Cat have? It simply wants to enslave every human it meets.]
Others · AmbitiousTransltor
Luckily, he saved the good parts.
Video Games · michaeI
The answer is a a big NO, if you couldn't tell.
Pokemon: Bond Evolutions of Pokémon
Anime & Comics · Expend