"Beg me more, cry more, fall more into despair." When the man heard that he starting peeing himself. This was too much, this has been the most scared he has ever been in his life.
Anime & Comics · ShiNova
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Anime & Comics · Revised
The only real Izuku got OFA is because of plot armor, he was a crybaby who didn’t even bother to try, everyone else was training even with useless quirks, he could’ve atleast tried to become stronger, but he only kept saying i will become a hero, there was also more viable options like fanfiction he could’ve become a quitk analyst, or he could run an agency / While Mirio was in a great position to reciebe OFA he had actual unending determination, he had a team beside him (Nejire and Tamaki), and he was just plain strong, there are hundred other points but my hands are tired now
But Mirio with that power would have been a way better and truly terrifying choice. No one would be able to hit him as long as he can hold his breath and with his new floating Quirk, he could have flown even while having Permenation Quirk on. Just that combination would make him absolutely terrifying, then combine it with all the others plus his strong body and you have a way more terrifying All Might.
Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
Its gonna be alright
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Anime & Comics · BillNyeThePGGuy
I feel the same as Zeus the MC shouldnt have gotten caught, why did he immediately fight The heroes, instead of figuring a way out. Was he trying to get caught. Also why didnt he try to Separate himself from the yellow flash.
Did you guys The uchiha massacre
Therefore, if Hiro had to choose only one bloodline limit it will be, Sharingan or Byakugan. Originally Wood Style was also a good choice, but Wood Style is too easy to be exposed, and it may be targeted by ambitious people like Orochimaru and Danzō Shimura, it is not good for him. So Hiro's choice can only be Sharingan or Byakugan.
Anime & Comics · theTripleX_HSA
Where is this from
Grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, he dragged her into her bedroom and flung her onto the bed before closing the door and going back to his couch, sleeping peacefully.
Anime & Comics · Suploly
"Beg me more, cry more, fall more into despair." When the man heard that he starting peeing himself. This was too much, this has been the most scared he has ever been in his life.
Sukuna VS the Multiverse
Anime & Comics · ShiNova