19990802 - Profile


LV 4
2018-11-09 Se unió Global

Insignias 6

Moments 18


I also want twins with one boy and girl.

The sound of soft footsteps echoed through the grand hallways of Archie's mansion. The twins, Wyatt and Zoe, now four and half years old, played happily in the expansive garden, their laughter filling the air. Archie watched them from a distance, a protective smile on his face.

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999


So he actually fall for her before the night

Aiden sighed too. "Just like mine, it was her first time too. I felt bad for her and had already made up my mind on pursuing her all over again. I didn't want her to feel that I only started to like her because of that one night. But the next day, we had a mission—a very important one, as you remember. So I told her that I was leaving and would be back before dawn, and I asked her to wait for me. But when I came back, I found out that she had left while crying."

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999



"That night was... different," Aiden continued, his gaze distant as he recalled the events. "I saw her the moment I walked in. She was standing by the bar, wearing this gorgeous blue dress that shimmered under the lights. Her hair was a cascade of chestnut curls, and her eyes... they were the brightest green I'd ever seen. I couldn't take my eyes off her."

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999



Aiden shook his head, a rueful smile on his lips. "No. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just... watched her all night. Every movement she made, every smile, every laugh—it was like she was the only person in the room. But I know she noticed me. She kept glancing my way, aware that someone was staring at her. I was mesmerized."

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999


He is a gentleman

Overwhelmed by emotion, she embraced him tightly, her voice choked with sincerity as she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Archie," she murmured, her words laden with genuine appreciation. "I know I am asking a lot from you, yet still you are giving everything to me, I can't tell you how grateful I am to you. Thank you so much."

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999


Lot bro!

Why couldn't she identify the father of her children? What has actually happened that night?

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999


Yeah do so

Brian stepped back, the tension easing slightly. "Well, if that's the case, then we must support you both in any way we can."

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999


Some are nice among them!

"Blood?" Brian exclaimed, stepping forward. "Are you alright? Are you in a lot of pain? What happened?"

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999


She is all ready!!

"We need to be honest with them," Evelyn said firmly. "They deserve to know the truth, and I owe it to my children to fight for their place in this family. We'll tell them today. It's up to them to decide. If they still want me to lead, I will do so but if not, I would only allow Antonio to lead until I find the proper leader."

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

No One Touches Mrs. Evans

Urban · 08021999

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