CapaxInfiniti - Profile



male LV 10
2018-11-06 Se unió United States

Insignias 6

Moments 385


If you want quality smut... You're in the wrong place as this story is lacking. If you want quality story... once again you are in the wrong place as this story is very lacking. Final Score 1.8/5. More details or complaints below. Writing Quality: The author has a bad habit of using the wrong words or just fails to properly do a good job describing things and falls back on something like. " she's hot" when describing someone. If it was once or twice I could probably just ignore it and let it go but this stuff is repeated way too often. So 2/5 here. Update stability seems solid or decent so I'm throwing 4/5 here Story Development: I don't even know where to begin... the author likes to do a ton of dumb things to force plot to go one way or the other to name just one thing out of.... well the entire story basically. An example is this. For training Lith has to be tortured. Gets flayed and the like. Bones crushed. Later the author makes the MC Lith say " without pain I won't understand joy" or some nonsense. Like I get the idea and may not entirely disagree BUT the real issue is... Torture? What are they training. Pain tolerance? There are less stupid ways to go about this while also ensuring just as good results... and it seems like pain tolerance was almost the entire reason for that. It is so stupid... There is this other vampire related story I read that at least had a reason behind torture beyond just the pain tolerance and it was because in that story a vampire's regenerative abilities increase the more you need to make use of them or some such. I can get behind that kind of reasoning for torture. In this story it feels like the author just likes to throw things in because they are edgy and they think it is cool or something... 1/5 Character Design: I can get on board with incest. I can get on board with isekai. I can get on board with a world full of isekai. What I can't get on board with is when you make characters and say they're this. Oh wait I mean this. No I mean this instead. Wait what were they again? Like seriously... this is so annoying. For example. You make a character that was a Lawyer in their past life. Then for almost no reason they go full Serial Killer mass murderer mode. For "justice" you say. Such weak writing man... 1/5 World Background: There basically isn't any beyond a brief description of the various areas. 1/5




To her shame, Zach had figured it out too. He was a smart one after all.

Release That Succubus

Release That Succubus

Fantasy · different_minds

Replied to Pendulum_

I was looking at reviews to get an idea of what story to try out and stumbled across this section of this review on this story. I only want to discuss one single aspect of what you've said. It's regarding the Balanced OP part. I must say I disagree with you a great deal. You cannot be OP and have Balance included too much. Let me explain my thought process somewhat briefly. I'll use like... something generic like video game levels as an example. Let's say you're level 1. You are fighting other level one things. Be they monsters or players or whatever you want. Nothing in this level is really a threat to you. You can defeat any and all in this level with ease. Level 2 you can still do so but it's slightly tougher. Then level 3 and then 4 and finally you make it to level 5 enemies while you're still just level 1. You can fight them but it's a tough battle. If you're not careful they can take you down fairly quickly... BUT! you can still take them down! A hard fought and well earned victory! This is not OP this is just strong. We don't need to dive into this too much because I know there are plenty of games that allow even more absurd level 1 players to fight real tough things. I'm just trying to be broad and general. My point is that OP is when you are level 100 and wander into a level 1 community and just wreak havoc. OP and Balance don't go together as OP is all about breaking that Balance. When you Balance something out you are REMOVING the OP from the topic and replacing it with strong or what have you. Now with all that said I do agree some Balance must be placed on a character to some degree otherwise the story quickly becomes incredibly boring. "The Mc looked at this enemy and they died!" "they looked at this enemy and they also died" "they looked at yet another and they too died!" I mean really that becomes so boring so quickly. It just seems like from the context of the many reviews I've read and seeing this one itself that it feels like you missed the mark a bit and took something from OP to Strong( which is ok, Strong characters are fun and enjoyable) and yet are still convinced that the MC is still categorized as OP. All-in-all this is just coming from someone bored looking for something to read and decided to argue semantics. Feel free to ignore.


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer...


He reminded himself that confidence was good, but to be careful not to get in over his head. He neared the loot on the ground when a piercing pain suddenly struck his head similarly to some time before

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

Replied to CapaxInfiniti

Continued: But I'm pretty sure that's not happening

"Master my private parts are becoming itchy maybe they want something big and hard." She said as she looked at Anon with a pervy expression that was telling him that she wants to be fucked like a bitch.

Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Fantasy · Night_phantom


I picture this loosely...


An Angorian Goat who was a meter and a half tall broke out from the herd and ran towards William. The boy jumped off the branch and landed nimbly on the back of his Mama Ella. The two traveled back to their residence in haste.

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Fantasy · Elyon

Replied to Ruby_love

I think it is called inuyashiki.

"Pew. Pew. Pew." Aldred made a pew pew pew sound as fireballs came out of his fingers.

Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Fantasy · Harlyboy

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