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LV 6

Without Integrity Nothing Works

2018-10-01 Se unió Global

Insignias 9

Moments 2605


disgusting ! and those who embezzled public money by the millions and billions...often go scoot free or live in a luxury prison. well...their real punishment is in hell, for sure

This amount of compensation was not insignificant. Tang Fangjing knew that a junior high school girl who had been raped and murdered only received a little over fifty thousand yuan in civil compensation.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


🤣🤣🤣 so satisfying!

Three days later, looking at the pale-faced Tang Fangjing sitting in the plaintiff's representative's seat, Lei Peng's hands and feet trembled. Every time the other party smiled, Lei Peng felt like he was going to lose his mind.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


Hahaha...I love how he turns every opportunity to a case to file! 😁😁😁👍👍👍

"Even if you go, they might not admit to it. Wait a moment. I'll call someone for you to take you to a nearby Market Supervision Office. Just bring their staff over to check."

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


sigh. I feel heartpain for them. the seller cannot see just how poor they are? Guess he didn't care...

Without further hesitation, Li Lao Er took out some money wrapped in a piece of cloth from his bosom and began to count it layer by layer.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


often the poor people have more compassion than those with money. Always remember not to be blinded with greed and become less human.

He didn't understand those profound principles, but he knew that Lawyer Tang was a good person, and he was stabbed because of their case—they absolutely couldn't just stand by and watch.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


yes. hard to believe so many evil doings in the world. then again, the world is rightly embraced by the devil. hence those that refuse to be evil always have to suffer when doing the good deed. will be worth it

Old Tang couldn't understand where such grievance came from. There were plenty of disgusting things happening these days: unfinished buildings, shady intermediaries, subletting landlords, and some private medical institutions...

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


😭😭😭 and many people would purposely waste food to show off that they can afford to waste those food! disgusting

To get accepted on the construction site, he would sometimes have to lie about being only fifty and if he had a minor illness, he would just power through it. Often, his meals consisted of just buying two steamed buns.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


so true. the hard life really leaves marks on someone's face.

Although people always say that there is no distinction between high and low, noble and humble jobs... but a sixty-year-old who sat in an office is wholly different from a sixty-year-old who has done heavy manual labor all his life.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine



On the side, Yin Deyuan, being supported by several people, heard Tang Fangjing's words and nearly passed out again.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


agree! and it takes those in the same circle to educate those who are abusing their power.

When the industry is filled with performance-type lawyers, it's also a hurt to colleagues who do take their work seriously.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


👍👍👍👏👏👏 💯

Tang Fangjing turned his thoughts into an article titled: Just Because Everyone Does It, Does That Make It Right?

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


attention grabbing! 👍👍👍

After pondering, he attached the title: "Intermediaries cheat with fake listings and say it's the norm, challenging me to sue if I dared?"

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


BS! All you need is to review every post before allowing it to go live.

Nowadays, which platform could truthfully handle auditing all their content? It's impossible, considering the number of properties listed on a site.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍 love this

Before a teacher can discipline you, your dad has already served you a plate of bamboo shoots with pork. You know you can't win, yet you appeal—whom exactly are you disrespecting?

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


clear proof that the authorities are not doing anything. 😔

It was really thought-provoking. The schemes for swindling people were basically the same every year, yet every year many people still fell for them.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


best ro get those law major students...they can use it as part of their achievements.

There were certainly no shortage of universities in Jingzhou City; including the third-tier universities and colleges, the number of graduates each year had already reached over three hundred thousand…

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


haizzz. the top is rotten too

He was stupefied, and then the boss reprimanded him fiercely—not for using fake prices and images, but for not being able to handle such a trivial matter and letting it go to court…

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


but that was a very bad practice. why cannot it be reported and contested? just because many people are doing the wrong thing does not make it right. 🫤

It turned out to be the lawsuit he filed against the real estate agency. Since it was trivial, it was never filed and was handed over to a mediator.

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine


indeed! and often, it would even progressed to "I have no recollection of such debt!". Disgusting evil people!

It's like when someone promises to pay you back in three to five days, and then, what do you know, three to five years pass and you still can't get your money...

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

What's wrong with this lawyer?!

Urban · Sword Immortal of Wine

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