

LV 14

❄️🌺🌺🌸🌸❄️🤍❄️🌸🌸🌺🌺❄️ Reading is my escape from reality. The time I can let down my mask. There is a Story behind every Person and a Person behind every Story. ❄️🌹❄️🌷❄️🌹🤍🌷❄️🌹❄️🌷❄️

2018-09-16 Se unió United States
Obras originales
Insignias 48

Moments 1288
9 hours ago

Chapter starts here

9 hours ago

#8367 is the last one. Chapter starts after that.

13 hours ago


"It's…just a…flesh wound," I forced out and felt proud to be able to make a Monty Python reference at a time like this. It was even sort of true—it was just that all my flesh had been wounded. With a little help from the water, which nearly floored me with stabs of pain to my gut, I managed to stand, leaning against Mrs. O'Leary.

[DanMachi/Percy Jackson] Prytaneum

[DanMachi/Percy Jackson] Prytaneum

Book&Literature · DepressoGrande

7 days ago
Replied to Fate_kisurhama

I think it will be a good contrast with Luke. Since both are the grandchildren of Zeus (blood/adopted) and have ties with Hermes I think Bell would be a really interesting character from Percy’s perspective

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8 days ago
Replied to PhysX

I believe it’s like a nursery rhyme for kids in china or something.


"Once upon a time, there was a mountain, and in the mountain, there was a temple. In the temple, there was an old holy sister and a little holy sister. The little holy sister wanted to hear the old holy sister tell a story... What story is it? Once upon a time there was a mountain..."

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Book&Literature · BlurryDream

10 days ago

“Ohh new chapter!” … “It’s over already?”

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11 days ago
Replied to VamPyr00

I mean tbh I can go either way on it. I do think having it on him and using it is a good thing but I don’t remember enough of his powers to say it’s smart. Can he use a single vial indefinitely? Like how much water does he need for an extended fight like this one? Can he just shot out a water blade then recall it and use it again and again? Then sure keep it out. But if it’s more akin to a healing potion at best and not a weapon he can use to kill more than one enemy than I think he should keep it somewhere it won’t break during a fight. If he kept it on his chest and it broke mid fight he’s out of a emergency heal. I think the more important thing is he might be slightly suicidal. Yes he has a goal of finding his friends but I think that’s just an excuse to keep himself focused. (Not that I think he will let himself die but still). He knew the tactic, he knew the poison was coming, he said he could get out by jumping on their backs. Why not kill some, leave, heal, go back in, repeat? Maybe cause he doesn’t care about his own pain anymore? Idk author has a lot more chapters already written so I’m still excited to see where it goes.

Este libro ha sido eliminado.
14 days ago

It’s…over? …already?

Este libro ha sido eliminado.
14 days ago

14 days ago


Their entry into the land of Sorcery would be baptized with blood and gold.

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

Video Games · Marine0IQ

  • Hentai Cards of Absolution original

    Hentai Cards of Absolution


    This novel will be whatever really. You guys don't have to like it but there will be a lot of +18 chapters as I try to get better at writing those types of things. As for the Synopsis honestly I don't know xD I'm just thinking about it as I go so there may be some plot mistakes but how about we write it together? I'll post poll type chapters along the way to get your opinions on the direction the story should take and maybe ill bring the MC to anime worlds that you guys decide on. We will just progress with time. For those of you who have read my other books don't worry, I have decided to just write what I feel like writing. I will still be writing a chapter or two of my other books every week and it may take a while but eventually ill have some decent stories out in the world for future reading enthusiasts to possible enjoy :) Disclaimer: This novel contains mature content not suited for young or easily offended viewers. Please read at your own will and don't hate when something happens that you don't like or enjoy. I don't not own the cover picture if the original creator desires for me to remove it please contact me.

    9 Chs 872 Colecciones

  • Fate's False Servant original

    Fate's False Servant



    Ryker was lost and alone his whole life. Not sure why he was born, and what purpose his life served. Until that very same life, came to a halt. Some may view it as a curse, to enter the clutches of death at such a young age. For Ryker, however, it was the chance of a lifetime. Finally he had meaning to his life, and he would seize every moment of it. His desire, is love and companionship. His wish, is to have the strength needed to protect it. Opening his eyes, to a new life, and a person whom he will stop at nothing to protect. Spoken words of those fated, he said to her, "I ask of you, are you my Master?" Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Fate/Zero and the Fate series in general. I claim no rights to the ownership or credit of pre-existing characters or content. Author's Note: Thank you for your support, and I hope I can touch at least one persons heart with my writing. Just know that I may, *cough* will *cough*, make mistakes and I hope you all will be patient with me. The First Arc will be largely focused on Romance and Parenting, there will be action scenes here and there but the main focus will be on character development and their connections to one another. Arc two will be the start of the main action with romance as well. Arc three will be for the most part action with little time for romance but it will still play a large part in the story. There is give and take to everything so I hope those reading only for the action scenes will be patient and enjoy the story as a whole as well. This book will be a part of a larger universe in the future that I hope to make unique to me as an author. That being said it will take a while to get there so make sure you give me feedback so I know if there are things that need to be fixed or changed as I go along. I do not know everything related to the Nasuverse and if I skip over or get something wrong I do apologize. I do not own the cover picture, if the original author would like me to take it off please contact me.

    34 Chs 1.7k Colecciones

  • Beyond Horizon original

    Beyond Horizon


    "Breaking News…" "Today at approximately 7:35am, billionaire, playboy Yu Takaki was found dead in his home…" "…Police reports say the cause of death was a heart attack…" "…Social media has been taken by storm. With many people around the world taking to online forums to celebrate…" "…Former 'Takaki International' CEO and father of the deceased, Sugo Takaki, had this to say during a press interview…" "…Many viewed my son as a womanizer, and a devil in human skin…all I have to say is that they did not know my son. He was…" *Click* Yu: "...None of that matters now...what matters is not the past...but how I will not allow that past to shape my future." ???: "...My Lord...It is our future." Yu: "...but how I will not allow that past to shape 'OUR' future." ???: "Mmm, better." -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..- The whims of the gods brought him to this world on the brink of destruction. His task…to save those he is able. His desire…to live his life freely in this new world he has found himself in. His future…shrouded in the mysteries of time. Join Raidon Arakan, formerly known as Yu Takaki, as he adventures through the world of [Elder Tale] in search of a life beyond the mundane, in a world full of the extraordinary. Along his path, he will discover himself, as well as met those he desires to protect. While at the same time conquering and annihilating those whom stand in his way. This is his tale. The tale of the man once called 'The Strongest' adventurer. -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..- *Log Horizon Fanfic* Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original series' characters. This Fanfic will only loosely follow the source material so there may be some discrepancies. I do not own the cover art, if the original creator would like it taken down please contact me. For those who haven't seen the source material, worry not for I will be attempting to write it for everyone to enjoy rather then just those whom already know everything. Even I as the author don't know everything so I will just be doing my own thing.

    7 Chs 269 Colecciones

  • Void Blades original

    Void Blades


    A young boy, who's origin was unknown, spent most of his life lost and alone. In an attempt to comfort his lonely heart, he would seek solace within his imagination. Yet that day, he knew it was all coming to an end. As his small body lay in the deserted alleyway, broken, and malnourished, he prepared for his end. Yet 'fate' had something else in store for the young child. An unknown race of ancient warriors who seek to protect the Balance of life itself. They came to be known as, The Blades. Since time immemorial they have watched over all life in the multiverse. Whenever the Balance was disrupted, they were called upon by the 'Eternal Tribunal' to correct the imbalance. Wielding swords forged during the Primordial Era of the Multiverse, The Blades are considered to be the 'weapons' of the 'Eternal Tribunal'. Yet to some, they are but glorified mercenaries, mere puppets to a higher power. Having been chosen as a fallen Blades successor, Soren embarks on a journey full of companionship, wonder and even love. Sadly where there is light, there is darkness as time after time fate tests young Soren as he is faced with the threat of death, as well as forced to experience the sorrows of life. Yet it is these experiences that cause him to grow not only as a person, but as the warrior he was chosen to be. Join Soren on his journey through the Multiverse. -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..- Author's Note: This book will contain elements from multiple genres such as, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Video Games, Romance [Possibly Harem, however it depends on the future progress of the story. As of my current plan there is only 1 love interest to the MC. Although she is a core character, their romance will not be a central point but it definitely will be one of the driving factors behind his desire to grow. So just know that although it most likely wont happen, im not going to say it 100% wont.] For those wondering about 'Spaceship fights' there will be different arcs as he goes from planet to planet. I will spend the early parts of the book focusing on him meeting new people and developing as a person while learning more about his situation, but the later parts of the book do get more Sci-Fi like. The book will be primarily Action focused, whether its ground combat or space. NOTICE: I'm only posting the first chapter to get peoples opinion and input so It will be a little while before more chapters are released as I'm currently busy IRL.

    1 Chs 36 Colecciones

  • Watcher of Reality original

    Watcher of Reality


    The memories one possesses can define someone's very existence. Yet for one being, it is he, who gives definition to memories. Having spent eternity, viewing the lives of billions of entities, some could be young, others old. Many were the lives of Humans, yet others could be any manner of beast. It wasn't long before the beings true self was lost. He no longer knew who he was, how much time had pasted, or what had happened to his body. All he remembered was sealing away all but one set of memories in an attempt to regain some form of identity. The identity the being suddenly found himself in, was that of a normal human boy, by the name of Nathan. Yet as a repercussion of sealing so many memories, the only set he didn't seal, belonging to the human child, became jumbled. Now rather then stuck with to many memories, he found himself with a lack of memories, including the way to unseal them. In a last ditch attempt to protect the final spark which defined him, he sealed his soul within a miniature world, a world of dreams, which would hopefully allow him to restore some of the jumbled memories. Slowly time passed and his plan was working, however, one of the beings in charge of judging souls took interest in him. Breaking him out of the world, and granting little Nathan's wish. Something which he believed he could have done without. Yet will look back on, and be grateful for. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Douluo Dalu. I claim no rights to the ownership or credit or pre-existing characters or content. Author's Note: This is a Douluo Dalu fan-fic about a young boy reincarnated, with op cheats, due to the whims of a powerful being. This book will be the main anchor which connects the universe im hoping to create so i hope you all enjoy, and thanks for your support!

    12 Chs 156 Colecciones