I wonder if it possible for Alice to give somebody else a contract? Everythinhg I’ve seen points to such a thing being impossible, but this is also Alice so… If the Abyss denies Darrow, Alice forcing it through would be a hilarious middle finger
And yet, this kind of powerful Hunter STILL wasn't a Lord!
Fantasy · Reili
Indeed, relying on Alice to keep Minerva occupied was the right choice after all.
Fantasy · Reili
“I only like gambling when it’s rigged in my favor”
This kind of gambling she didn't like as she had no control over the variables.
Fantasy · Reili
The youngest cardinal to be appointed by the Church of the Moon. Tristan.
Fantasy · Reili
Please do this in the future at least once ahahahah
It would be an effective scare tactic to some extent but that was not her goal.
Fantasy · Reili
[If you desire the power to kill these two, I can help you out. A contract to connect me to your Spiritual Heart. I'll funnel the power into you and in return… You allow me to take over from time to time. A fair trade don't you think? After all, I've been stuck here for so long. I too long to take a breath of fresh air.]
Fantasy · Reili
Right now, she only wanted one thing. To tear off the heads of these hybrids!
Fantasy · Reili
Oh you rat bastards. I’m so looking forward to Alice explaining what the hell you are and who you come from to Queen Verona. I imagine once the assault is repelled, but leaving enough damage and Alice potentially killing one, she’ll be called in for a talk. At least that my prediction and what I hope happens. It’s high time these hybrids’ origins were exposed
Even from afar, she could sense the powerful barrier that Queen Verona had erected around the capital city. Even for them, infiltrating and unleashing the disease was not going to be easy.
Fantasy · Reili
His* eyes
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Fantasy · Reili
Mic drop
She's been utilizing a portion of Eldritch power this entire time.
Abyssal Awakening
Fantasy · Reili