
LV 4
2018-08-16 Se unió Global
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2 months ago

It's not bad. Actually, it's pretty interesting. The only issue I have with this sitory is the fact that it's quite obviously written by AI (or at least heavily modified by it) so that it's very VERY noticeable in every paragraph if you know how AI usually writes these kind of things, but other than making me roll my eyes it's not that big of an issue imo (but only because in my case I'm used to reading MTLs so it's not that much of a problem to me) Honestly, as far as AI stories go, this one is pretty good. If you like football I recommend you at least giving this one a chance, maybe you'll like it.

2 months ago

I have to say, I wasn't expecting this story to be so fun to read. The MC is smart (but not too much), and much more patient than Yun Che. Honestly, the only thing I wish there was more of would be intereactions with known characters, but now that (spoilers to chapter 11) we are in the main continent then I believe things will only get better. The writing quality is actually quite good and there are very little grammar mistakes. Hopefully the author can keep the consistent updates, because overall this story is really good if you like ATG.

5 months ago

I mean none of these options really make that much sense narrative-wise. I think the most logical option would be to move to A-Class (Why would he even consider moving to Class C where if you don't follow Ryuen you get harassed and threatened lol) and follow along Sakayanagi. He doesn't need to make a third faction (why tf would he do that if he's already in Class A lol). Honestly, Hikigaya is mainly a logic kinda guy, so him not going for the most logical option would not make much sense to me (even staying in Class B if Ichinose can convince him would at least make sense, but going to Class C or D? or even making his own faction? That... I'm not so sure about, that's not really something I think Higikaya would even do, less alone want to do it).

5 months ago

A very interesting start. My one problem with this chapter is the fact that Light seems to be speaking out loud to Ryuk while there are dozens of cameras everywhere (didn't they see them or are they really THAT hidden?) so it seems a bit awkward to read ngl, but overall it's as interesting as your other story with L in COTE, so keep up the good work :)

5 months ago

I'm not going to lie, even though I like this story as a whole this entire situation was really disappointing to read. As readers we can see the thoughts of the MC, and he didn't even FEEL offended by what happened. What is this "I have to take responsability for her" attitude? It would make sense if you gave your consent as that would be the right thing to do... but that did NOT happen: you were drunk in your own bedroom when she came in with no permission and literally took advantage of you lol.... Oh well, I think at this point this is just the author trying to force this pairing. I'm not against it, as I really like her character in the original series, but I can certainly disagree with the execution. I think it could've been made much better, but it is what it is. Thanks for the chapter.

5 months ago

Great story, but lately it's been going downhill tbh, so much forced drama... for nothing, it's not even enjoyable to read. I'll wait a few chapters more to see how this goes, but ehh, I'm not hopeful.

2 years ago

Very good. I think that the only below average thing in this novel is probably the translation as there are some wonky words here and there, but nothing truly that bad as it's perfectly readable.

2 years ago

Probably the best football novel I've ever read online, and it's not even close. The only thing I would say is a negative is the waiting for a new chapter, but that's something probably everyone has to deal with when it comes to stories they like. At least in this one the stability of updates is relatively good. If you like football, try this, I promise you won't regret it.

2 years ago
Replied to Khun_Aug3r0_Agnis

It's because he has "2" cultivations. The GodKing one is actually his real one(achieved with the demonic method of absorbing essence) and so it's a secret no one can know, otherwise he'll be hunted by literally everyone, and then the False-God cultivation is the one he shows in the outside world and was achieved using a "good" method, helped by the system, so that no one suspects him.

At this age, reaching the early stage of the False God Realm was already commendable for Gu Changge and could be safely attributed to his talent alone.

I am the Fated Villain

I am the Fated Villain

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