Pirates of the Carribean: Son of the Seas; a boy in the Carribean finds out he is able to manipulate water, he is a son of Poseidon, but will he become a follower of the law or follow the law of piracy.
Book&Literature · Joanjudo
Option 3 - Do incest with Luffy and Lucy.
Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
+1 no story is ever perfect, this story has a lot of fans just the way it is
Option 2 - Continue as it is.
Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
Este libro ha sido eliminado.
I thought it was height like meters?
Captain: Edward Kenway (42 years old) (2.26 m)
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
Este libro ha sido eliminado.
Which streamers/vtubers/youtubers would you like to see collab with MC? Of course, some things will be tweaked, but at their core, they will be the same person. So let me know who you want to see.
Anime & Comics · SaiKojin
I was curious to know how many of you still wish to see updates for this novel. If you're interested, please leave a comment with a raised hand emoji 🙋♂️ so I can get an idea of the level of interest here.
Tycoon Actor in Hollywood
Movies · NewComer714