But since neither he nor anyone else in the industry knew this, thousands of major gaming companies were about to throw billions of credits down the drain.
Others · just_a_potato_soul
"In the year 2012 of the Dragon Calendar, the Dragon Kingdom developed virtual reality technology, revealing a corner of the mystery of the virtual world..."
Video Games · AncestorX
It was amusing that a Toaster had a kill count of 300 warrior bugs before it set off in a nuclear blast. He did wanted to end the world in flames...rest in peace old toaster.
War · Lee_Kah
If trazyn was aware of them... He would have accompany them in this treasure hunt...
War · Lee_Kah
How he came to exist was unknown, but without a doubt, he was a treasure. His genes did not belong to him alone; they belonged to all of humanity.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
The primarch is dark eldar city
If she were truly looking for a worthy opponent, she would have challenged the Jaghatai Khan in a Warp-racing battle ages ago.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
How had I never noticed that? I'd walked past this place a hundred times. I'd even stacked firewood here myself.
Video Games · adoozie
we need pics
"The subjects have been showing positive results on the gene that been injected into them." Reply BG-209 mechanically. "With subject XIII (13), XLVIII (48), CXIII (113), CDXIII (413), and DCCXXIX (729) having the best compatibility with the gene."
Warhammer: Dark Knights
Others · DaRkAGL