Naruto [Vote Here]..
Anime & Comics · Pinto_sh
bro tesla wasnt on stock market until 2013
good novel keep it upppp. but update fast
can you tell me which in which comic does the explanation of magic weapon creation is or do you really believe creating a weapon like thors hammer or stormbreaker is like molten divine materials and hammer strike ny dwarfs magic is essential and magic in marvel is little limmited its too much focused on one one energy being or on containment.
for physical strength dragon ball and naruto are the one. if power and techniques related to magic then a isekai world or harry potter can work its on you how to develop your character . its still good flow in story
i can't find link can you send it in reply
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Urban · StarryForestJaguar
where is the link???
Eudoxia shook her head. "Adding or making any changes will cost C-Points, remembered, but simple things like opening a door, turning the tv one, and other smiler things will cost nothing, even I can do those."
Anime & Comics · I_S_Rift
wll it was a good journey
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