Alice, a magical apprentice from the First Heaven, has harbored the desire to become a notorious villain since the age of three. To achieve her goal, she decided to commit one wicked deed per day. However, despite her persistence in daily acts of evil, Alice is surprised to find her popularity rapidly growing. The youngest ,most popular magic master timidly approached her , "May I be your sidekick?" The most powerful half-demon man expressed his desire, "I want to be your best friend." And a obnoxious but very handsome man pleaded, "I know you despise me for my wealth, high status, and being a god of fighting, but I am super handsome. Will you marry me? Please?
[MEDIEVAL][DUKE][KNIGHTS][CLEVER MC]My name is Susan. One month ago, I was a 20-year-old fashion-design rookie living in the 21st century. Now, my soul has switched into the body of a skinny 18-year-old girl living in an alternative medieval world, struggling to fill my stomach.
What's the most exciting thing about me, you ask?
Emmm, they order me to marry off the Queen in a month. Does it count?