ZonicZ - Profile



male LV 6

like to read,I like food,I like to draw,Tend to sleep longer than most,

2018-06-07 Se unió United Kingdom

Insignias 9

Moments 2218


and you've done nothing sad little man

I told them I agreed but I would be around the Red Keep as a knight. During these months I noticed Rhaella get paler and paler. She was shrinking into a shell. The larger than life woman, the funny queen who liked sexual innuendos, the woman who I personally believed was more than ready to be a ruler was retreating into herself.

The Quiet Knight /ASOIAF

The Quiet Knight /ASOIAF

Book&Literature · Ash_D_Born



 Stiles' stomach dropped. "Locked in a freezer?" he chocked.

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

TV · DivineOverseer


mistake ends under here

"My Jeep. Satisfied?" Stiles didn't get a verbal reply, but the lock on the door clicked and he was out of the car instantly. He didn't let himself stop and think until he was back at his house, safely in his room where he could grieve without a care about who could see him. He didn't notice the text until hours later.

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

TV · DivineOverseer


right here

Stiles let out a defeated sound. "Just let me out, Sourwolf."

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

TV · DivineOverseer


I thought the eyes only went blue when they killed an innocent

"Only because it won't work. Instead, I get to deal with a hyperactive werewolf," Noah muttered. He ran his hand over his face. "Your mother would have dealt with this so much better, kid." Stiles shrugged, looking away. "I think she knew about this stuff. At least a little bit. When you were really little, she used to tell you stories, and there was one that always got my attention. It was a story of three wolves, the leaders of their pack. One had red eyes and was called the Alpha. The other two were golden-eyed betas. They went into an enchanted forest to learn the right way to lead their pack. The three wolves were separated. The Alpha was greeted by a druid of the forest and told to observe everything about her pack to learn how to lead them forward. She was told that she would ultimately decide the fates of the other wolves. One of the betas met a hunter in the woods. There was a struggle and the hunter tried to kill the beta, but the beta won. Since the hunter had been trying to kill him, his eyes stayed gold. But the other beta heard his brother fighting the hunter and heard the howls of pain during the fight. He saw another human in the woods, with their back to him. He could smell wolfsbane and could see the crossbow in the human's hands. Not willing to risk the safety of his brother or Alpha, the beta killed the unsuspecting hunter. But doing so changed him. His eyes went from gold to blue and all three wolves were guided out of the forest. When the Alpha saw the beta's eyes, she understood what the druid had told her. She made the beta with gold eyes her second, the one who would lead in her stead and protect her pack in the light through battles or negotiations. The one with the blue eyes she dubbed her left hand. He would work in the shadows and do whatever was needed to protect the pack from threats, inside and out. Together the three of them would lead and protect their pack, working in perfect balance." Noah sighed.

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

Stile's Blue Eyes (Teenwolf Fan fic)

TV · DivineOverseer


most disappointing part of the fic right here

She ran away when she saw that it was Camilla who shouted his name, "What the-" Darius ignored her and started using the Healing spell.

Dominar: Skyrim

Dominar: Skyrim

Video Games · First_Endless



"Well if you do siege Lucifaad. I will pray that you somehow die before I get to you or else I will make the devils cry out if they see you after I am done with you."

As a Lucifer in DxD

As a Lucifer in DxD

Anime & Comics · Vegeta_Kakarot

Replied to FilteredWater

I read the tags if it was in there as you say then my mistake

I headed back to the locker room, showered, and changed into my regular clothes. Again, getting the stares of a few guys. Where's the bro code when you need it? However, I did see someone who had a bit of lust in his gaze. Not that I don't lean both ways, but I wasn't in the right headspace to be in any type of relationship.

Teen Wolf: Dominant Alpha

Teen Wolf: Dominant Alpha

TV · FilteredWater


thanks for the warning making me waste my time reading this please put a tag so people who don't like this will know not to read it

I headed back to the locker room, showered, and changed into my regular clothes. Again, getting the stares of a few guys. Where's the bro code when you need it? However, I did see someone who had a bit of lust in his gaze. Not that I don't lean both ways, but I wasn't in the right headspace to be in any type of relationship.

Teen Wolf: Dominant Alpha

Teen Wolf: Dominant Alpha

TV · FilteredWater

Replied to luffy1996

we don't call them that here we call them crisps

Vernon hid his face in his hands, realizing their attempts to deflect suspicions had failed. Dudley, unaware of the impending changes, indulged in TV and chips, oblivious to the challenges ahead.

Harry Potter: No More Simping

Harry Potter: No More Simping

Book&Literature · Mystic_Verse


noob talk

"Yesterday, the enemy can become today's ally, but more importantly, I think that everyone needs to be given one chance to fix their mistakes." 

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Anime & Comics · akikan40


what a joke how you going to make him beat aeg there

Footsteps approached as Jaime sprinted out of the entrance of the First Keep like he was running a hundred-meter dash. He rushed to Bran's side and checked the boy's breathing and heartbeat. After a moment, he stood up, his eyes no longer casual but flashing with a menacing light.

Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)

Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · BoredIdler


bruh young master nonsense

Two fully armed guards happened to walk out of the guardroom. Aeg rushed up to them as if grabbing a lifeline, "Your young master is on the roof! Aren't you going to do something about it?"

Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)

Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · BoredIdler


could of thought of a better lie lol

"I prefer solitude," Aeg realized they were getting impatient with him and quickly explained, "Too much noise severely affects my performance."

Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)

Ruler of the Winter's Edge (GOT/ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · BoredIdler

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