GarlicBlobII - Profile


male LV 5

Just a simple man with simple needs

2018-05-28 Se unió Philippines

Insignias 8

Moments 14


it would be great if you incorporate other zombie from different franchise, like left 4 dead

I added a few things to the base game that I felt should have been a part of the game to begin with, such as other survivor NPCs, animals, and a much more significant amount of worldbuilding, creating a great many more types of encounters, zombies, and overall stories to make the world feel as if it was a lot more alive.

The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

Movies · AngelusSanguis

Replied to VickyRaichand01

Very strange indeed...

Wait, does lesbian relations even count as breaking the oath of Celibacy?

Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)

Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)

Movies · HelloDarkness07


I think with enough evolutions with vestibules anthony will develop a hivemind with his species with him as thw center.

The other thing I need to do is use combat to pump up my Skills as fast as possible. Elemental magic needs to be the priority. Once I finally achieve the rank five fusion, I'll be able to finally push my practice in other directions. Mind magic will probably be the next area of magical study I need to push. Those mind constructs will allow me to push my prowess to a whole new level once I evolve and pump my brain power.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to ThanielCruz

yes, similar to the mangekyou sharingan that everytime he uses it his eyesight worsen.

"Ahh... Yes. Ehm, I want the power of plunder from Yuu Otasaka from Charlotte, the esper ability Accelerator, and a Zanpakuto"

Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

Naruto: Overpowered Shinobi

Anime & Comics · CalmNature


Nice way to explain how he got high stats in int and is, most people with knowledge in mythology only know the most known ones specifically one learned in schools like the gods of Olympus, Hercules, etc., etc.

I'm assuming that since my physical stats are high, along with my mental ones that they can be raised via training. My intelligence raised due to my studying various mythologies and Wisdom for my pattern recognition? My luck is probably because I've gotten out of almost every situation that has a monster just fine. And Charisma because of how I look and speak.

Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

Percy Jackson: Human Gamer

Book&Literature · Plebston323


Maybe because of Luci's ritual the mc inherited all his features from narcissa since the ritual supposedly 'disowns' the mc making the mc not related to luci

I stand in front of the mirror and grin at my reflection: short, thick, straight hair, the same blonde as Narcissa's. Blue eyes, a smooth face without the slightest flaw, even too perfect, some kind of girlish, and there is no longer a childish roundness. God, I'm the man's copy of Narcissa! And these little sharp, predatory features ... But in me, only the blind does not recognize her!

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan

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