If it shows him something new then you can infer that he defeats it.
"Will it end in death again, or did I manage to defeat him this time?"
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
If 1 hit is 1 point and you can easily hit twice a second then he spent just 34 hits and 15 seconds to make a sword I think you should just multiply all the numbers by 10 so you have more wiggle room (1000/440) and so on
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Anime & Comics · ParodyGirl
Mach 6 is 2km a second so that’s a bit of a close call
As Messiah approached the base within two kilometers, the missile operators detonated the missiles.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
Wealth value: 8775W points (can be used to improve Ability)
Anime & Comics · Senatus
nosferatu most likely
'He seems to have gone unconscious, and the falling of hair and the contorting of skin and bones, is he becoming like those ugly vampires of traditional folklore.' Alex thought to himself as he hummed while rubbing the edge of his glasses with his index and thumb fingers.
Movies · WhiteAuthor
Fun fact Emoticon are keyboard symbols and emoji are pictures
'She even sent one of those sad emojis from back in the day,' Alex thought as he stared at the emoji made of only symbols.
Movies · WhiteAuthor
100 mi is the width of Ireland if the temple is in the center then the private island is the size of England
"I've seen a temple and a statue of Kassadin from a hundred miles away."
Anime & Comics · MythicForge
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Hasn’t or has not been
Axel was actually already about to get an Order of Mariner 2 stars for single-handedly protecting the Kingdom from the monster tide. But now, the General didn't hesitate to directly increase it to 8 stars, which have been given to anyone else in the Kingdom's history.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
Malcolm Merlyn
'Merlin. Never heard of him from any CW show.'
CW Flash: I Copy Attributes
Anime & Comics · SonderNow