No coronation? The ministers are also strange... Even in a dire situation, there is no sense of urgency, far too calm.
What happened to a state funeral for their parents? It's strange that no one is saddened by their passing, or taking any action to fill the power vacuum.
Yes, I was thinking a version of Elon Musk.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Not recommend, as chapter 4 is missing. Otherwise, really good story so far. Translation is fair, mostly with gender issues.
The prices make no sense. Why buy a pill to increase a stat by 1 for 5000, when you can buy 50 0.1 pills to increase it by 5?
Reminds me of World After The Fall. Great story, check it out.
Is this book translated, or the Grammer is really that bad? Second language for the author maybe? The Grammer is worse than many translations.
Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince
History · SorryImJustDiamond