Reign_Bloodark - Profile



male LV 5

Say no to shitty harems.

2018-05-06 Se unió Malaysia

Insignias 8

Moments 1958


let kaguya come and bring despair for the world only then you can become its true saviour.

Kyomu's gaze hardened. "Black Zetsu's plan to revive his mother must not succeed, and if possible, White Zetsu should be brought under my control."

Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

Anime & Comics · Zaelum


lol she just went through memories of you both and you still have thick enough skin to spout bs?

"Revenge isn't the way to go, Rogue." Xavier got up in his wheelchair with the help of Cyclops who had landed the jet, "Magneto and those men will pay according to the judgment of the law, and you'd see them behind bars paying for the crimes...this I can promise you."

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet


go disguise as mercenary medic nin. approach nagato with the intent of healing him for whatever reason, money favor ninjutsu whatever. profit from system getting rinnegan. ez

Of course, this does not mean that Colt can necessarily defeat Nagato. After all, the Rinnegan's hax abilities were indeed quite the bullshit, and he still needed to train diligently.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest


as long as its not the machine god Odin from fate , most odin are bros.

He looked at me with a singular eye, the other covered with a piece of cloth. "What say you, brother?"

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne


basically any generic shonen mc.... well most of them at least.

He admires the protagonist of this anime who works hard and never gives up to prove himself that even the weakest person can become the strongest.

Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

Anime & Comics · Kuuhaku_28


Tie shou is chinese for iron hand. tie is iron. shou is hand

Tie Shou, the Iron Hand Gang leader, was the first to emerge, his face dark with rage. Stronger than the others, he realized they were under attack, making him furious. His eyes turned red with anger. "Who? Who is it?" He roared, fixing his eyes on the masked man. Everything indicated this person was the attacker. "Who are you? Why did you attack my Iron Hand Gang?" Tie Shou asked hoarsely, on the verge of rage.

One Piece: Scythe of Justice

One Piece: Scythe of Justice

Anime & Comics · Dream_Weavers


so basically bleach power set? cut/swordsmanship = zanjutsu Fist/hand to hand = hakuda walk/movement = hoho ghost/basically magic = kido

Regarding his cheat, Ron had explored it during this period. As the basic combat system in the world of the Grim Reaper, the abilities are intuitively reflected in the panel, appearing as four branches: [Cut, Fist, Walk, Ghost]. Each branch contains skills familiar or unfamiliar to Ron.

One Piece: Scythe of Justice

One Piece: Scythe of Justice

Anime & Comics · Dream_Weavers


... retard

"You go and replace me to help Miss Mei! As for you, go out of the Academy secretly, and then transform into... Obito! Yes, transform into Obito Uchiha! That way, you will appear mysterious and strong!" Haruto said to his two clones.

In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

Anime & Comics · Alex_Fabianoki


here comes the background coming in clutch for some drama.

Haruto immediately went to get a plate, then started taking rice, meat, vegetables, and several other side dishes. He then took a glass of water and chose a seat. After eating heartily, Haruto finished eating, immediately finished a glass of water, and left there. When Haruto left the cafeteria, someone watched him with a serious look.

In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

Anime & Comics · Alex_Fabianoki

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