Wooooo. it's back
Konrad always rubbing salt in the wounds. lol
Although the fallen expert didn't have any connection to the Six Incarnations Bridge, the fluctuations of his heart rate and breathing pattern fed Harun countless information. With a finger-snap, he restored the blindfold and left the coffin's internal world. Little did Harun know that, as soon as he left the coffin, a voice rang in the blue-haired expert's mind. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. And here I was wondering what it would take. Cucks will be cucks, I suppose." Hearing that disapproving voice, the blue-haired captive trembled, but ultimately remained stoic.
Eastern · Devil_Paragon
Try living in NYC. I'm dying.
Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Eastern · Nuclear Warhead Cooked in Wine
I see he still hasn't changed after 73 trillion years.
"DRAGON WARDEN! I WILL KILL YOU! KILL YOU! KILL YOU! ARRRRRRRGH! DIE DIE DIE!!! STAY DEAD! Don't move. I warn you. You'll make me angry. You don't wanna do this. DIDN'T WARN YOU?! WHY WON'T YOU STAY DEAD?! AAAAAAAARGH!" The ancient immortal broke into an all-out frenzy, thrashing against the nails holding him down as he body spasmed and his tongue lolled out in an unprecedented display of insanity.
Eastern · Devil_Paragon
I would feel bad for the "First Omniarch" but then I remember how much of a b*tch he was. lol
See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop
« System, inquiry: How long does a snake of my size take to digest its prey? »
Fantasy · CouchSurfingDragon
I'm Like a crack addict with this novel. I need more! lol
Never thought I'd see this author bless us with his writing and stories again. I'm a huge fan of his previous works and I'm a fan of this too. Improved writing and previous experience makes for a better story. And ofcourse nothing like giving many people green hats. Keep up the great work Dev...I mean Evil_dao.
Reverend Ecstasy
Eastern · Evil_Dao