Wolverine18 - Profile


male LV 5


2018-04-28 Se unió United States

Insignias 10

Moments 37


Put him in the boys

"Continue working well and I will release you in a universe full of assholes to you to have fun." Hector says before disappearing.

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon


If it’s a card launcher it should be up his arm like an assassin creeds blade so that he literally has a trick up his sleeve.

Still, though, Tobias really liked his outfit, especially considering it was his favorite TF skin. The only thing that was missing was a piece of equipment that he wasn't able to create just yet, permanently anyways. But the time for it would come eventually.

Wild Card In MHA

Wild Card In MHA

Anime & Comics · RubberPeen


Make a card that stores extra stamina that way he can do more permanent stuff with the stored stamina.

Another way that Tobias realized he could use his quirk is to buff his body. He figured if he could create anything he wanted via the cards, he should be able to create the super soldier serum. Unfortunately, he learned just how much stamina was required to do something like that and it was insane. So, he decided to try temporary buffs instead of permanent ones, and that went much better.

Wild Card In MHA

Wild Card In MHA

Anime & Comics · RubberPeen


A clone card that makes cards so he never runs out or a different type of clone card that can make a fake him and he can become invisible with a card or a card that reflects attacks.

'Well, no surprise there. I knew it would be more than the mental fatigue restoration card, but that much more is kinda crazy. I can't tell exactly how much, but I know I need to train for a while to be able to attempt it. Unless I lessen the burden on the effect. The effect I was imagining allowed me to teleport somewhere I've been before, but Twisted Fate's teleportation relies on a beacon. If I were to imagine the card with a beacon in mind, it should lower the overall cost.'

Wild Card In MHA

Wild Card In MHA

Anime & Comics · RubberPeen


I actually prefer the tank route personally i hardly see any mc’s go this route sadly, the one that is overused is the necromancer.

"Motherfucking Johnathon!" Noah burst out in agitation, anyone who would be given to live in this type of situation would like to be the cool type doing fancy moves and unbelievable kills and yet here he is seemingly being driven towards the tank route. He had no one else to blame but Johnathan who gave him the staple shield skill meant for tanks.

Becoming a Monster

Becoming a Monster

Fantasy · Valtura


I love the show heroes I am so happy that someone finally decided to use it and my all-time favorite character Peter petreli.

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My New Marvel Life

My New Marvel Life

Action · RJTStories

Replied to Wolverine18

And another on here is called Spiderman ultimate Peter Parker.

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MCU: Darkseid(Dropped)

MCU: Darkseid(Dropped)

Movies · Endless_Crow


Looking at that really makes question where his eyebrows in skeleton might form are.

"Oh my, OH MY GOODNESS!" All Might returned to his buffed form in excitement, "Young Midoriya, you have certainly surpassed my expectations!"

My Hero Academia: Altered World

My Hero Academia: Altered World

Anime & Comics · TrapsAreNotGay

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