But they are twins???
"Having sex with a sibling is a major taboo, and you are having sex with your twin, tell me, are you a naughty girl?" (Wulin)
Anime & Comics · The_Wulin
I hope the endgame cp is yuri...
Idk how to feel about this. First the MC is stupid, second, everyone else seems to be stupid.
"Let's do him a favor. Just strip him naked and chase him home! His clothes look expensive."
Eastern · DamnPlotArmor
He really expecting her to call like he speaks her language fluently at all and not that it was the divine item that allowed him to do so...
Over the past week, he'd started class. The first couple of days were fine. He waited for Penelope to call while focusing on his studies. Then with every following day, he lost more and more sleep as reality sank in. His eyes became black as he grew pale and carried a nervous sweat at all times. His face was that of a ghoul!
Urban · SamsaraWithWords
... It's okay, I'm usrd to secondhand embarrassment, it's going to be fine, it's all good...
'Tyler's right about one thing, this IS to save my life! Screw it!' Ben planned to wait for a perfect opportunity, to find a pretty girl somewhere to use the Divine Line on, but the system said it would work on any woman, so she might as well be a top beauty!
Urban · SamsaraWithWords
People are pretty superficial, I honestly doubt she would fall for his charms with a meagre 2 points in looks and 0 in charisma even with a divine pickup line. The most I can see happening is her being amused and having a decent impression on him or something and only reaching the rank of an acquaintance, if she isn't one to look too much into someone's appearance that is... If he doesn't take up the time to work on himself to boost his stats up, all the seduction missions are gonna be A to S-rank level of difficulty for him.
With heavy breathing, he took out the consumable Divine Pick Up Line from his pocket and stared at it for a long time...
Urban · SamsaraWithWords
All the more reason to tell him...
"You don't have to know. So, do your best. You can't be left behind. Not only my family, but also a lot of people related to us have a stake in this game."
Fantasy · basso77
Haiz, all he does is memorise and not comprehend.
I memorized them well like a sponge absorbing water.
Fantasy · basso77
Stop belittling supports god dang. All classes in a party are just as important as the other. A support can turn the tides with all the life-saving skills in their arsenal.
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Fantasy · Dyrem
What are you gonna contact me for? To prove your identity as the chinese author or tell me to delete my comments about your plagiarism lol?
Abyssal Chronicles
Fantasy · Hail_The_loli