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male LV 4
2018-03-24 Se unió France

Insignias 5

Moments 307


une bonne maman

I had been planning to watch that series with her all this time and was truly looking forward to it. I even watched those previous boring superhero movies just for her so I could understand what it was that she liked about them.

Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Fantasy · PancakesWitch


et vegata, piccolo ...

"Allow me to enlighten you," he pressed on, "Eight years ago, it was Son Goku and Son Gohan who battled Cell. My father and brother."

Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Reborn in Dragon Ball as Son Goten: Start Bonus Ultra Instinct-Sign

Anime & Comics · Clay_Champion


du coup il gaspille l'herbe, non?

<Deine aktuelle Lebensspanne: 77 Jahre, 11 Monate, 18 Tage, 19 Stunden und 45 Minuten.>

Der Gemischtwarenladen eines Mannes aus Florida in der Cultivation World

Der Gemischtwarenladen eines Mannes aus Florida in der Cultivation World

Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor


le truc est que si le peuple est trompé qui le mène a faire des choses contre sont intérêt et ses envies comme la révolution ou depuis la fin des 30 glorieuses le problème de la royauté est les conseillés et ministres traitre

"I don't care who is ruling the country, whether it's a king or a president," he said. "What matters to me is that their power must be constrained, and they shouldn't arbitrarily interfere with my freedom and rights. In the Declaration of Independence of North America, there is a point I strongly agree with: the people have the right to overthrow tyranny. Only power recognized by the entire people is legitimate power. In this regard, I respect whatever choice the French people make."

The Fox of France

The Fox of France

Others · NeverluckySMILE


tout comme les progressistes et gauchistes d'aujourd'hui

"The devil will never reveal its true face to people. Instead, they masquerade as prophets, saints, using their seemingly radiant 'truths' to lure you onto the wrong path. That's what makes heretics, devils, false prophets, and antichrists the most frightening and dangerous. Child, you should know that Lucifer, originally the most glorious archangel beside God, also possessed the deceptive brilliance. So, if we don't put our faith in the Church, we can easily be deceived by them. May God punish them, Amen!"

The Fox of France

The Fox of France

Others · NeverluckySMILE


il ne peut pas faire de l'élevage de poisson?

"The winter is coming. The realm enjoyed a decade of summer. Have any of you forgotten what winter feels like?" I asked, looking at the captains gathered around me. "I will take your well-earned gold to secure our future. I will go to the Dorne, to the Essos, and seek a trade. Some think it is beneath us to pay with gold, not iron. But we need a steady influx of food and other necessities. The old way is gone. We can't just raid and rob people as we wish. If we did so, everyone would start hiding in their castles behind their knights. No one would dare to sail in the seas for fear of us, but what do we eat then? The world is vast. The sea is even more so. It is time to change our way and enter a new era."

What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

Book&Literature · Ironwolf852


va t-il retrouver le goût ?

I motion my men to do as Stannis said. I believed the wine was quite good from how Thoros enjoyed it, but all I could taste was water. The food was bland too, but I pretended to enjoy it. I didn't make a joke the whole time, as I wanted to show Stannis that I could be serious when I wanted to. It wouldn't be good if he thought of me as an immature boy.

What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

What is dead may never die (Theon SI)

Book&Literature · Ironwolf852


juste une tour où il y a plus? car en vrai ce n'est pas très beau une tour seul

"The tower is a little big for the city, don't you think? The city isn't big enough to support such a big establishment," she said.

City of Desire

City of Desire

Fantasy · AnWan

Replied to casivincent

juste une tournée où il y a plus? car en vrai ce n'est pas très beau une tournée seul

"The tower is a little big for the city, don't you think? The city isn't big enough to support such a big establishment," she said.

City of Desire

City of Desire

Fantasy · AnWan

Replied to YAMATO11

oui il n'a jamais été sain d'esprit

When they arrived Minato thought 'I hope Danzo isn't too crazy when he comes out of the genjutsu. I need him sane for the trial'

Uzumaki Legend

Uzumaki Legend

Anime & Comics · kralux

Replied to DaasWolfe


  Hardy touched the pile of banknotes placed together and put the 5,860$ in change next to him.   "Those don't count. Let's calculate it as 210,000$."

The Tyrant Billionaire

The Tyrant Billionaire

Urban · DaasWolfe


il faudrait investir dans l'immobilier est des fermes agricoles

  Hardy touched the pile of banknotes placed together and put the 5,860$ in change next to him.   "Those don't count. Let's calculate it as 210,000$."

The Tyrant Billionaire

The Tyrant Billionaire

Urban · DaasWolfe

Replied to BarbaryLion23

ok je n étais pas au courant

Leman Stark ... the golden boy. The Blonde Wolf, the genius, the monster hunter, the defender of Bear Island ... there are many such titles the young man has acquired. He is barely 11 name days old and already has more titles than I will in my lifetime. The capabilities, maturity and martial prowess of the young Stark are so impressive that Father even decides to leave Bear Island and join the Night's Watch. 

Leman Stark

Leman Stark

Book&Literature · Daoist0kxr4h

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