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2019-07-14 Se unió Global

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Replied to Psan

nothing that Magic and a infinity multiverse cant solve. ps: i Just Felt like answering because yes kkkkkkk

"We are all dead," Emma repeated. "Not undead like Mikael or souls like in your home world. The only reason we are still around is that we were Chosen. Our worlds ended, and they took us with them."

Rapturous Rhapsody

Rapturous Rhapsody

Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously

Replied to blkopler

i would like to see It today with the dlc Elder ring got kkkkkkk

"Yep," though he said the word in a chipper tone, his voice was wet with emotions. "I know there is a body out there, MY body, that has everything I could ever want. It is just floating in space while I am trapped on the ground. This place, this Dragon Aerie, stirred me up something fierce. If you trust nothing else, trust me on this." Sir Mikael stared at her, eyes not drifting below her own. He didn't look sad. He looked angry. "I will beat this world. No matter what it takes, I will get that body. I will fly!"

Rapturous Rhapsody

Rapturous Rhapsody

Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously

Replied to PreciousPannu

a few fingers Will have the same effect

Introducing Robin to atomic theory had been a mistake Glynda regretted almost instantly. Apparently, her flower-flower fruit needed a foundation on which to 'bloom.' Once she realized that air, and other fluids and gases, were made up of the same materials as solid objects, she took to forming her appendages in mid-air at a moment's notice.

Rapturous Rhapsody

Rapturous Rhapsody

Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously

Replied to RagingDrake

he is a Warriors in one of the worst situation possible and keep going foward (for option or not) she spend time with him, from her point of view you could say she goes on a date with him every 2 or 3 days depending on the interpretation and he usualy as long as he is able to, he summon them in the best places he can get to during that time, If you add the lures on top If that and you have your answer

"That response caught my attention." Heedless, the King of Knights carried on. "I spent some time pondering the topic and why it disquieted me. I then realized that my emotions towards our summoner differ from those I held towards my knights. While I knew this, their exact nature eluded me until I remembered Sir Lancelot's poems regarding his love affairs. The desire to remain close to him. The intention to hold him in my arms. The aching pit the idea of his departure leaves in my stomach. All these and more have led me to conclude that I wish to court our summoner."

Rapturous Rhapsody

Rapturous Rhapsody

Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously

Replied to eksposivo

you Will find a lot of diferente elemental/conceptual dragons in cultivation Worlds

"Indeed," Artoria nodded as she continued where her friend left. "We spent much time talking about dragons and their nature. It seems in the catalogue they were categorized by element. Fire, air, ice and the like. Mikael mentioned he was aware of other 'elements.' and more abstract concepts, such as power, multiplication, division, star, creation, and others. To meet the requirements of reaching the 10th Tier, he needed to purchase two such elements."

Rapturous Rhapsody

Rapturous Rhapsody

Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously


being honest i like luna designe more than celestia to be honest


"I would be delighted to be your pupil, Princess Luna." I said as I gave a deep bow. "I hope to learn a lot from you."

Unicorn destiny: equestria is magcal

Unicorn destiny: equestria is magcal

Anime & Comics · shin_guzman


if It is what i think i can be, i have to say well played

Blanc couldn't help but tremble slightly upon hearing her name, but before anyone could notice, she straightened up and faked her usual smile, though her eyes looked warmer as she gazed at the young girl.

I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version)

I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version)

Anime & Comics · BonVoyage

Replied to Juhiko

bê .ore especific, what part?

Nossa relação também evoluiu bastante, agora somos tão próximos como irmãos, ela até mesmo começou a agir como uma irmã mais velha.

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

Anime & Comics · LordVoid


tirando o dele da reta só pra garantir kkkkkk

"Você é meu filho, tanto como de sua mãe, Mesmo que fosse a decisão de sua mãe o deixar crescer na superfície sozinho sem nós conhecer, lembre-se disso. Nós o amamos." Continua Hades.

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

Anime & Comics · LordVoid

Replied to The_All_in_One

besteira mágica e roteiro esse é motivo mais provável

Desde que percebe que renasci no mundo da DC, eu venho me perguntando o que fazer da minha vida, eu não sou incrivelmente inteligente para ser um gênio e usar isso para ser um herói, também não possuo um corpo forte ou habilidade natural de um guerreiro, e com certeza não tenho poderes ou qualquer vantagem roubada que personagens de outras Fanfic que li no meu mundo ganham ao reencarnar ou talvez eu nunca descobri como usar eles. Não vou mentir, ideia de ser um herói nesse mundo é bastante tentadora, mas vamos viver um passo de cada vez, se um dia a oportunidade se mostrar, eu vou a aceitar.

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

Anime & Comics · LordVoid

Replied to Eberton_Rodrigues

é como dizem pra q re-inventar a roda tlgd

Nem um deles sabe que, na verdade, essa gentil senhora está criando crianças para se transformarem em seus soldados para depois ingressar em sua organização criminosa.

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

DC: The Prince Of The Underworld (PT-BR)

Anime & Comics · LordVoid

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