Continue please. And don’t change your story because of negative comments.
1. whether to continue my original plot.
Book&Literature · book_paradise
I don’t think the Plot is as Bad as said in this review. The Problem I have with book is that some names are wrong and the gramatical mistakes.
Why the Fuck is Albus not questioned?
Ron scowled and grumped. "I did my own work, mostly. My turned in assignments were all written by me and in my own words. Sometimes my brothers or Potter would help me with but she never would. She always said she had too much to do preparing for whatever the Headmaster told us was going to happen that year and with her own classes and stuff. Potter, when I did get him to help me, insisted I actually do the assignment before he'd help me with it. Then he'd look it over to correct my spelling and grammar usage. Or point out places where I could add more to make it better or where I was incorrect. I usually didn't bother adding more but I'd correct my mistakes. Sometimes he'd explain stuff I didn't get but I didn't really want to hear it. Neither he nor my siblings ever did the work for me."
Book&Literature · LordSilvere
Dumb and Dumber
If you make him madder than he is right now, he'll refuse to play and I don't want to see us flattened like we were by them in last year's game that was embarrassing. Not to mention the fact that Draco Malfoy was positively disgusting the way he gloated over the fact that he got the snitch before you."
Book&Literature · The_Book_Addict
Foreshadowing at its best
The day passed in this gentle, healing manner. For Harry, it was heartening to see his family coming together in support and love. It gave him hope that, unlike some of the darker narratives he had known, his life here would be one of inclusion and familial bonding.
Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
Why does it seems that Harry is the Lackey.
Awesome Chaptet
Looking forwsrd to see Harry kick voldys ass to kingdom come
@Author If you keep upating only cliffhangers, I am going to put a curse on you.
He Her She Him? Difficult to follow without reading LOTM.
''He' is stronger than 'Her'?'
HP X LOTM : Please Call Me Mr. Error.
Book&Literature · Hooin_Kyoma